Most recent items from WordPress feeds:
WordPress 4.0 “Benny” from Official Wordpress Blog

Version 4.0 of WordPress, named “Benny” in honor of jazz clarinetist and bandleader Benny Goodman, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. While 4.0 is just another number for us after 3.9 and before 4.1, we feel we’ve put a little extra polish into it. This release brings you a smoother writing and management experience […]

almost 10 years ago

WordPress 4.0 Release Candidate from Official Wordpress Blog

The first release candidate for WordPress 4.0 is now available! In RC 1, we’ve made refinements to what we’ve been working on for this release. Check out the Beta 1 announcement post for more details on those features. We hope to ship WordPress 4.0 next week, but we need your help to get there. If you […]

almost 10 years ago

WordPress 4.0 Beta 4 from Official Wordpress Blog

The fourth and likely final beta for WordPress 4.0 is now available. We’ve made more than 250 changes in the past month, including: Further improvements to the editor scrolling experience, especially when it comes to the second column of boxes. Better handling of small screens in the media library modals. A separate bulk selection mode […]

almost 10 years ago

WordPress 3.9.2 Security Release from Official Wordpress Blog

WordPress 3.9.2 is now available as a security release for all previous versions. We strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. This release fixes a possible denial of service issue in PHP’s XML processing, reported by Nir Goldshlager of the Product Security Team. It  was fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress […]

almost 10 years ago

WordPress 4.0 Beta 2 from Official Wordpress Blog

WordPress 4.0 Beta 2 is now available for download and testing. This is software still in development, so we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site. To get the beta, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can download the beta here (zip). For more of what’s new in version 4.0, check out […]

almost 10 years ago

WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 from Official Wordpress Blog

WordPress 4.0 Beta 1 is now available! This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 4.0, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can […]

almost 10 years ago

WordPress 3.9.1 Maintenance Release from Official Wordpress Blog

After three weeks and more than 9 million downloads of WordPress 3.9, we’re pleased to announce that WordPress 3.9.1 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 34 bugs in 3.9, including numerous fixes for multisite networks, customizing widgets while previewing themes, and the updated visual editor. We’ve also made some improvements to the new audio/video […]

about 10 years ago

WordPress 3.9 “Smith” from Official Wordpress Blog

Version 3.9 of WordPress, named “Smith” in honor of jazz organist Jimmy Smith, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features a number of refinements that we hope you’ll love. A smoother media editing experience Improved visual editing The updated visual editor has improved speed, accessibility, and mobile support. You can paste into the […]

about 10 years ago

WordPress 3.9 Release Candidate 2 from Official Wordpress Blog

The second release candidate for WordPress 3.9 is now available for testing. If you haven’t tested 3.9 yet, you’re running out of time! We made about five dozen changes since the first release candidate, and those changes are all helpfully summarized in our weekly post on the development blog. Probably the biggest fixes are to live […]

about 10 years ago

WordPress 3.8.3 Maintenance Release from Official Wordpress Blog

WordPress 3.8.3 is now available to fix a small but unfortunate bug in the WordPress 3.8.2 security release. The “Quick Draft” tool on the dashboard screen was broken in the 3.8.2 update. If you tried to use it, your draft would disappear and it wouldn’t save. While we doubt anyone was writing a novella using […]

about 10 years ago