Privoxy in 9 toolboxes
Barry Allard using 43 tools
Systems Administrator at Stanford University in Silicon Valley
Circumvention Tools created by iammatthew2
A collection of Anti-Censorship Tools that allow you to keep your privacy, and get around settings that restrict what you can see online.
Hapee de Groot using 34 tools
Jonah Silas Sheridan using 66 tools
Principal at Information Ecology, LLC in Berkeley, CA
Jonathan Carter using 53 tools
Technical Co-ordinator at Shuttleworth Foundation in Cape Town, South Africa
Secure Communications - Linux created by Simos Xenitellis
Various tools that may be useful for securing your communications when using a Linux Client Computer
Tomas Krag using 64 tools
CTO at Refugees United in Copenhagen, Denmark
Happenstance, not circumstance -
Wireless Networking in the Developing World created by Tomas Krag
Tools that are described in the Creative Commons-licensed book "Wireless Networking in the Developing World"
zxcharles using 11 tools