Tim Wescott

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Social Source Commons Product Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA

Tim Wescott's tools tagged with 'local'

all tools tagged 'local'
  • 4212 TwitterLocal in 2 toolboxes
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    TwitterLocal lets you generate an RSS or XML Feed to filter out Tweets around a certain area. Just enter a city, state, postal code, choose the range of miles you want to include, and hit the button. You'll instantly get URLs to add to your RSS reader.

  • 4761 FixMyStreet in 2 toolboxes
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    FixMyStreet gets your street fixed.

    Enter your Great Britain postcode, stick a pin in the map, type in your problem and zoom!… off it goes to the council. It’s so simple that getting on for 25,000 problems have been reported through it so far.

    FixMyStreet does a whole lot more than this though.

    It lets you browse the problems currently reported in your area.

    It lets you set up email or RSS alerts to be told when problems get reported within a radius of your house or workplace, or within your ward or council.

    It provides posters and flyers (made by one of our volunteers, Ayesha) that you can use to tell people about the service, and encourage them to ger their streets fixed.