Feed 4 Tools tagged with 'free_software'
Anaphraseus in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAnaphraseus is a CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tool, OpenOffice.org 2 macro set similar to famous Wordfast. Works with Wordfast Translation Memory format (*.TXT). Supports text segmentation. Features: Term Recognition. Fuzzy Search. Unicode support.
bitext2tmx in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxBitext2tmx is a cross-platform Java application to align bitext (of a corresponding original text and its translation) and generate a TMX translation memory for use in computer-assisted translation.
Image Localization Manager in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxImage Localization Manager helps you to streamline your image localization process by presenting all the information needed for translating and editing image files in the same window. We hope you love the image preview feature!
Laconica in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxLaconica (pronounced "luh-KAWN-ih-kuh") is a Free and Open Source microblogging platform. It helps people in a community, company or group to exchange short (140 character) messages over the Web. Users can choose which people to "follow" and receive only their friends' or colleagues' status messages. It provides a similar service to sites like Twitter, Jaiku, and Plurk.