Google Alerts in 45 toolboxes
Barry A using 22 tools
tech consultant at PDX Tech for Advocacy/Peaceful Tomorrows in Portland, OR
nonviolent revolutionary office work -
Beth Felice using 32 tools
Diocese of Missouri in St Louis, MO, USA
Birgit Pauli-Haack using 69 tools
Founder & CEO at Pauli Systems, LC in Naples, FL, USA
web development, web strategy, web 2.0 integration for nonprofits and small businesses -
Brooke Browne using 66 tools
eMarketing Communications Specialist at Neighborhood Centers Inc. in Houston, Texas
Improving Houston Communities -
Charise Van Liew using 37 tools
co-founder at fuseDC in Washington DC
Don't burn out. Collaborate. -
Coops United created by Steven Flower
Tools for Cooperatives to use. Started at the Coops United conference in Manchester, UK
tagged: coops -
fhudson400 using 19 tools
Heather Carpenter using 44 tools
Assistant Director at Aspiration in
Better Tools for a Better World -
i4csa using 32 tools
Jdjigar using 8 tools
Jordi Duran i Batidor using 30 tools
CTO at Foundation in Nyon, Switzerland
Working for a better world -
Judith Sol-Dyess using 26 tools
Senior Director of Information Systems at YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago in Chicago, IL
katiebalk using 22 tools
kelleyawilliams using 94 tools
Kevin Martone using 11 tools
Technology Program Manager at Harold Grinspoon Foundation in Western MA
Kevin Wenzel using 29 tools
Statewide Website Coordinator at Virginia Poverty Law Center in Richmond, VA
Knowledge Mobilization created by Luise B
These are some of the tools IssueLab uses regularly for managing and mobilizing information and nonprofit research on social issues - internally and with a broader audience online.
mat8iou using 68 tools
Morgan Sully using 30 tools
Online Community Manager at The National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture in San Francisco
mpaynter using 42 tools
Online Listening Tools created by Jessica Steimer
Useful no-cost or low cost tools for listening online. Whether it be your stakeholders, issues you care about, or what people said about your event, these tools will help you stay on top of what conversations are happening online.
This is an update of the Social Media Listening Toolbox put together by Matt Garcia.
tagged: listening -
orientromance using 321 tools
Paul Webster using 15 tools
Mansfield, UK
People 1st, Tech 2nd -
Ramon Bartomeus using 18 tools
Resources Manager at in Barcelona
Ray Woody using 27 tools
CFO at The Rose House in New Jersey, USA
rchk using 110 tools
Robert Pavel using 15 tools
San Francisco
Robin Millette using 30 tools
doer of stuff at Waglo Labs in Saint-Jacques, Québec, Canada
Let's get ready to rumble! -
Ryan Ozimek using 34 tools
Founder at PICnet / Soapbox Engage in Washington, DC
Empowering the missions of non-profits through technology. -
Samir Nassar using 87 tools
San Ng using 47 tools
Berkeley, CA
international development, law and technology -
Scott Stadum using 63 tools
User Experience Analyst at in New York City
Imagine. Connect. Act. -
Scott Walter using 34 tools
Minneapolis, MN
Sillystar87 using 27 tools
Social Media Listening created by Matt Garcia
Tools for monitoring social media. Whether it be your website, issues you care about or what people said about your event, these tools will help you stay on top of what people are saying. Based off a blog post by Beth Kanter.
Social Media Tracking Tools created by Allen Gunn
These tools can help you to track things such as how many people are mentioning you, your organization, and your work in various online channels, as well as who is clicking on and sharing your links or updates, or trends relating to specific issue areas such health care reform, environmental, or human rights.
Various tools below track keywords, clicks, and other activity information on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and more. Includes utilities that support the actual tracking tools, such as URL shorteners.
Social Networking and Listening Tools created by Patricia Perkins
for a workshop on social media
Stephen Spaeth using 8 tools
Harpswell, ME
Leveraging social innovation -
suzannah using 26 tools
Tarik using 174 tools
Tim Davies using 16 tools
Director at Practical Participation in Oxford, UK
Tim Wescott using 63 tools
Social Source Commons Product Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA
Tim's SSC Info-Finding Tools created by Tim Wescott
Tools Tim uses to find new information and updates for tools, as well as new tools for SSC.
Toolbox for Smaller Nonprofit Organizations created by Charise Van Liew
Although I've become an accidental techie, all of the tools listed here are about as user friendly as it gets and will significantly improve the efficiency of your nonprofit's operations.
Most are free with some requiring proof of nonprofit status and a short application.
If you have any questions about what I've posted here, feel free to contact me at
UK Third sector online tools created by lasaict
This toolbox is a collection of online tools used by third sector organisations in the UK.
This will be populated from participants in the Lasa Online Tweetchat on 2nd May 2012.