Netvibes in 17 toolboxes
2009 Nonprofit Software Development Summit Tools created by Matt Garcia
This is a collection of software tools represented by participants and/or otherwise used at the 2009 Nonprofit Software Development Summit in Oakland, CA.
You can review the Agenda and session notes, as well as event pictures, Tweets from the event and the legendary DevSummit Group Photo.
The 2009 DevSummit was the third annual convening of people and organizations developing software tools, web applications and other technology to support social justice causes. Bringing together a diverse range of users, developers, technologists, managers, eRiders, integrators and other practitioners who self-identify under the umbrella of “developing nonprofit software”, the event provided an opportunity both to gather as a community and to take stock of the field, while building connections and capacity.
The event was generously sponsored by Mozilla, Google, and CiviCRM.
Allen Gunn using 82 tools
Executive Director at Aspiration in San Francisco
All great progress happens in small circles :^) -
Anna Jacobsen using 16 tools
Health Media Coordinator at The kNOw Youth Media in Fresno
ctrservicesltd using 1 tool
dkrumlauf using 5 tools
Internship Tools created by jucsanch
Tools used while at Aspiration
Jessica Steimer using 29 tools
Aspiration in San Francisco, CA
John Dukovich using 43 tools
Green Moon Solutions in Washington, DC
Matt Garcia using 28 tools
Community Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA
Without me, it's just aweso -
misty avila using 30 tools
director of programs at aspiration in california
better tools for a better world -
Onboarding a New Hire created by Matt Garcia
Tools for getting a new hire up to speed at Aspiration
Online Listening Tools created by Jessica Steimer
Useful no-cost or low cost tools for listening online. Whether it be your stakeholders, issues you care about, or what people said about your event, these tools will help you stay on top of what conversations are happening online.
This is an update of the Social Media Listening Toolbox put together by Matt Garcia.
tagged: listening -
Publishing created by lasaict
Tools to enable organisations to communicate with their stakeholders.
Organisations are able to carry this out in a number of ways using social media tools including text, video, audio and social reporting.
Social Media Tracking Tools created by Allen Gunn
These tools can help you to track things such as how many people are mentioning you, your organization, and your work in various online channels, as well as who is clicking on and sharing your links or updates, or trends relating to specific issue areas such health care reform, environmental, or human rights.
Various tools below track keywords, clicks, and other activity information on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and more. Includes utilities that support the actual tracking tools, such as URL shorteners.
Yit created by Nadia EL-Imam
tools for running collaborative project I'm workin on
yogi198329 using 1 tool
zorky using 42 tools