Eudora in 15 toolboxes
5 Tools Operations Managers Can't Live Without created by Heather Carpenter
Ok, maybe it should say 5 tools as an Operations manager I can't live without :) 1. When I am asked to find the impossible where do I turn--Google! 2. I use MS Office too but Open Office has the awesome free PDF generator which I use all the time. 3. Can't live without my Accounting Software. 4. Can't live without our organizational calendar/milestones/to-do list! 5. Can't live without my e-mail to correspond with my fellow employees and the rest of the nonprofit sector. :)
tagged: operations -
Arthur Coddington using 26 tools
Program Manager at Craigslist Foundation in United States
Aspiration's Communication Toolbox created by Tim Wescott
Tools Aspiration uses for communication amongst ourselves and with everyone else.
Heather Carpenter using 44 tools
Assistant Director at Aspiration in
Better Tools for a Better World -
John Abbe using 30 tools
Grass Commons in Eugene, Oregon
World Undomination! -
Mary Gross using 18 tools
Director at NMS/InfoTAP in San Diego, California
Michael Maranda using 75 tools
AFCN in Chicago
Nancy White using 49 tools
Chocoqueen at Full Circle Associates in Seattle, Washington, USA
Connection and chocolate -
orientromance using 321 tools
owkhwe using 69 tools
Robert Guerra using 184 tools
scetin using 6 tools
Tim Wescott using 63 tools
Social Source Commons Product Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA
Tim's SSC Info-Finding Tools created by Tim Wescott
Tools Tim uses to find new information and updates for tools, as well as new tools for SSC.
Victor Chavez using 11 tools
Technical Consultant at Stanford University in SF, CA