Ann Tothill

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Sydney, Australia

Ann Tothill's tools tagged with 'groupware'

all tools tagged 'groupware'
  • 6049 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in 25 toolboxes
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    Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual (35+ languages), tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware, Free Source Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty. It is actively developed by a very large international community. Tiki can be used to create all kinds of Web applications, sites, portals, knowledge base, intranets, and extranets.

    Tiki offers a very large number of features "out-of-the-box", arguably more than any other Open Source Web Application. Highly configurable and modular, all features are optional and administered via a web-based interface.

    Major features include a robust wiki engine, news articles, discussion forums, newsletters, blogs, file and image galleries, bug and issue trackers (form generator), a links directory, polls/surveys and quizzes, FAQs, banner management system, calendar, maps, mobile version, RSS feeds, category system, tags, an advanced themeing engine (Smarty), spreadsheet, live support, shoutbox, inter-user messaging, menu generator, advanced permission system for users and groups, internal search engine, external authentication support, and much, much more.