Add to my contacts David Geilhufe
Program Manager at in
Sunnyvale, CA
David Geilhufe's tools tagged with 'ecrm'
in 94 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOpen source constitutent relationship management system.
tagged: advocacy, apc, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, lasatech_crm, lasatech_db, lasatech_docshare, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
CivicSpace On Demand
in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThis service no longer exists - please delete
Hosted service of pre-configured Drupal and CiviCRM (free and low monthly fee versions)
tagged: advocacy, ASP, blog, civicrm, CMS, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, forums, fundraising, hosted, integrated, mail, member, newsletter, opensource, service, website