Feed 20 Tools and toolboxes tagged with 'eorganizing'
ActionStudio eAdvocacy
in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWeb-based advocacy tools for nonprofits. Helps you manage and implement contact campaigns between your members and Web site visitors and their representatives.
in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Activist Mobilization Platform is a CMS bundled with a large number of Activist Tools.
Campaign Creator
in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxCampaignCreator provides tools, skills and info to start an effective campaign, get others on board with your idea, and raise your issue with the desired targets
Campaign Engine
in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxComprehensive, easy-to-use software for managing non-profits and progressive campaigns.
tagged: a, activism, advocacy, blast, broadcast, campaign, CMS, consultant, contribution, crm, database, donation, donor, eactivism, eadvocacy, easy-to-use, email, eorganizing, forms, friend, fundraising, hosted, non-profit, not-for-profit, organizing, Petition, service, tell, volunteer -
in 12 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree E-Advocacy for Grassroots
tagged: campaigning, capacitybuilding, civicspace, community, drupal, eadvocacy, email, eorganizing, free, grassroots, hosted, opensource -
in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCiviCRM component for online donations
tagged: advocacy, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship -
in 94 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOpen source constitutent relationship management system.
tagged: advocacy, apc, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, lasatech_crm, lasatech_db, lasatech_docshare, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
CiviCRM Active User
in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxcivicrm_activeuser is a simple module that adds a user to a group upon Drupal login.
tagged: advocacy, apc, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
CiviCRM Subscribe
in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAllow users to subscribe (double opt-in) to a CiviCRM group without creating a Drupal user. Upon entering an email address, the user is added to the group, but the do_not_email flag is set. The subscribe form sends out an email to confirm the subscription. And only after the special link in the email is clicked, is the do_not_email flag cleared.
tagged: advocacy, apc, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
Toolbox: CiviCRM world
created by Michał Mach
Core components and third-party additions to CiviCRM
tagged: advocacy, apc, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
in 20 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThis service no longer exists - please delete.
CivicSpace is a free open-source CMS platform for grassroots organizing and civic activity.
tagged: activism, apc, CMS, community, drupal, eadvocacy, eorganizing, free, freesoftware, leadlearn, mysql, opensource, php, political, programming, web -
CivicSpace On Demand
in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThis service no longer exists - please delete
Hosted service of pre-configured Drupal and CiviCRM (free and low monthly fee versions)
tagged: advocacy, ASP, blog, civicrm, CMS, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, forums, fundraising, hosted, integrated, mail, member, newsletter, opensource, service, website -
in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCiviCRM component: Event organising and participants management
tagged: advocacy, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship -
in 14 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCiviCRM component: Personalized email blasts and newsletters.
tagged: advocacy, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship -
in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCiviCRM component: Online signup and membership management.
tagged: advocacy, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship -
in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCiviNode exposes CiviCRM object types to Drupal as nodes.
tagged: advocacy, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
Democracy In Action Salsa
in 36 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA nonprofit service with moderate monthly fees and strong customization support. Online campaigns, donations, event registration, mail blasting, and basic member tracking.
tagged: advocacy, campaign, campaigning, crm, dia, donation, eadvocacy, email, eorganizing, event, fundraising, grassroots, hosted, java, mailinglists, management, nptech, opensource, Registration, salsa -
Green Media Toolshed
in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxmedia data and press lists
organizer's database
in 11 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree contact and donor database for grassroots organizing groups. Also known as ODB.
tagged: basebox, database, eadvocacy, eorganizing, free, freesoftware, ngoinabox, NOSI, opensource, organizer's, organizers -
Tawala Automated List Builder
in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA tool to build and maintain your group's email list. Free hosted web app.
tagged: activism, advocacy, blast, broadcast, eactivism, eadvocacy, email, eorganizing, free, fundraising, hosted, organizing