CiviMail in 14 toolboxes
angela91 using 25 tools
Brylie Oxley using 64 tools
Data and Systems Coordinator at Nonprofit Technology Network in Portland, OR
CiviCRM world created by Michał Mach
Core components and third-party additions to CiviCRM
tagged: advocacy, apc, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, elections, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship, voter -
cmdBOSS using 20 tools
David Geilhufe using 25 tools
Program Manager at in Sunnyvale, CA
Fen Labalme using 59 tools
CivicActions in Pittsburgh, PA
FOSS for schools! -
johnhcollier using 8 tools
kelleyawilliams using 94 tools
kevin walsh using 30 tools
madison, wi
Laleah using 15 tools
lpagola using 4 tools
micheas using 8 tools
Rich Vázquez, CISA, CISSP using 96 tools
Austin, TX
shanehill00 using 26 tools