Add to my contacts misty avila
director of programs at
aspiration in
better tools for a better world
misty avila's Toolboxes
Build a Simple Nonprofit Website created by misty avila
The toolbox is an example of the different online tools I use to build a website for your nonprofit or community based organization if you need a basic web presence on a small budget. Please add any recommendations.
Everything I Need On A Desktop created by misty avila
I'm in the process of updating 10 PC laptops with no-cost programs to make them as useful as possible for trainings and volunteers. Here is the current wish list. Any more to add?
PGP Encryption for Our Movements created by misty avila
Allied Media Conference Session with Palante Technology Cooperative and Aspiration | June 2014
Start an Online Project Toolbox created by misty avila
Tools and channels I used to create an online presence for a new online project.
Tools for Nonprofit Events created by misty avila
These are the online tools I use to get the word out about a no cost event for nonprofits or social justice organizations. Feel free to add more and let me know what "free for nonprofit" tools you use for events.