Feed 249 Tools and toolboxes tagged with 'Security'
1-abc.net Utility Box in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxUtility Box combines seven Windows XP cleaning and optimization tools to a program that helps you to keep your system running fast and secure.
12Ghosts Wash in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMaintains your privacy by not allowing others to see which web sites you visited or what you did in Windows.
Abakt Backup in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree backup software, providing advanced filtering and command line options
AFWall+ in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxREQUIRES ROOT ACCESS
AFWall+ (Android Firewall +) is an improved version of DroidWall front-end application for the powerful iptables Linux firewall.It allows you to restrict which applications are permitted to access your data networks (2G/3G and/or Wi-Fi and while in roaming).
akapost in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWith akapost, you can send and receive emails from any of your existing email accounts but still keep your actual email addresses private.
Akismet in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAkismet is a spam management tool for your blog. When a new comment, trackback, or pingback comes to your site it is submitted to the Akismet web service which runs hundreds of tests on the comment and returns a thumbs up or thumbs down on whether or not it is spam.
Android Privacy Guard (APG) in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxOpenPGP for Android. It's open source and its goal is to provide a similar OpenPGP implementation as GnuPG.
* more secure random number
* fix multi-select in recipient list
* manage secret/public keys (eg. GPG/PGP)
* encrypt/sign/decrypt/verify emails and files
* some integration into GMail accounts on the phone
* integration with K9
* HKP Keyserver support
* basic key creation and editing possible (beta)
* Intent API for other apps -
Armor2net Personal Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
AutoGK in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxOpensource DVD backup utility.
Avast Home Edition in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree virus protection for your home PC
AVG Free Edition in 42 toolboxes
add to my toolboxInexpensive antivirus software for up to five computers.
Avira in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxProtects computers against dangerous viruses, worms and other malware. Available in free and premium versions.
Backblaze in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOnline backup for a small fee for unlimited storage.
Backup Now in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPC hard-disk backup software.
BackupPC in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxBackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, WinXX and MacOSX PCs and laptops to a server's disk. BackupPC is highly configurable and easy to install and maintain.
Bastille Linux in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Bastille Hardening program "locks down" an operating system, proactively configuring the system for increased security and decreasing its susceptibility to compromise. Bastille can also assess a system's current state of hardening, granularly reporting on each of the security settings with which it works.
Quite simply, this makes securing a Linux box a simple, educational process. And it's free!
BC Wipe in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe BCWipe utility is designed to securely delete files from the disk. Standard file deletion leaves the contents of the "deleted" file on your disk.
BCArchive in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe BCArchive software is designed to compress a group of files/folders to a single encrypted file.
Belarc Advisor in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolbox"Free Personal PC Audit" -- gives details about a PC it is run on such as computer specs, installed software, and vulnerabilities
BelManage in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxBelManage allows users to easily manage their software licenses, operating system upgrades, security hotfixes, and more.
BelSecure in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxBelSecure automatically checks security policies, configuration settings, and discovers other information about the host such as anti-virus status, application versions, security patches, user accounts and more.
BestCrypt in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxData encryption software.
BlackICE PC Protection in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
BlogBackupr in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxBlogBackupr is a free, hosted tool for backing up your blog content including posts and media. It supports any blog platform that uses an RSS feed and also has the option of auto-restore.
BullGuard Internet Security in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxIntegrated anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, anti-spam, anti-phishing, and backup technologies
BusinessSecure in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAnti-virus software for desktops and file servers.
Campfire in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCampfire is a web-based group chat tool that lets you set up password-protected chat rooms.
Carbonite in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxOnline data backup.
ChatSecure (formerly Gibberbot) in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxChatSecure (Gibberbot) is a secure chat client capable of firewall and filter circumvention, surveillance blocking and end-to-end encryption. It works with Google, Facebook, any Jabber or XMPP server, such as OpenFire or eJabberD. Unlike Blackberry BBM’s broken single key security, Gibberbot uses the Off-the-Record encryption standard to enable true verifiable end-to-end encrypted communications.
Free unlimited, private, secure messaging with your friends over Facebook Chat, Google Talk, Hangouts, Jabber, Dukgo & more! Works with Android, iPhone, Mac, Linux or PC.
tagged: android, chat, communication, encryption, facebook, FOSS, gchat, google, guardian, guardianproject, IM, iOS, jabber, messaging, Off-the-Record, open, open-source, opensource, OTR, privacy, Security, source -
chillispot in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxChilliSpot is an open source captive portal or wireless LAN access point controller. It is used for authenticating users of a wireless LAN. It supports web based login which is today's standard for public HotSpots. Authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) is handled by your favorite radius server.
Ciphire in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAn email encryption tool that is easy to use.
CleanUp! in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCleanUp! is a powerful and easy-to-use application that removes temporary files created while surfing the web, empties the Recycle Bin, deletes files from your temporary folders and more.
CleanUp! frees disk space and reduces the "clutter" on your computer helping it to run more efficiently. It also can be used as a way to protect your privacy on the Internet. You can even instruct CleanUp! to securely delete files making it impossible to retrieve their contents using lower-level disk tools - just another way of protecting your privacy.
ClearProg in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxDeletes the internet surfing history of a Windows user.
Cleversafe in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecure data storage. The project uses information dispersal algorithms IDAs to separate data into 11 unrecognizable DataSlices™ and distribute them, via secure Internet connections, to 11 storage locations throughout the world, creating a storage grid.
Client Security in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxClient-side software firewall, IDS, and anti-virus.
Client/Server Suite in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAntivirus protection for desktops and servers.
Colloquy in 20 toolboxes
add to my toolboxColloquy is an advanced IRC & SILC client
Comodo in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree firewall software
Contactify in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCreate your own personal contact form. People click on it, they can send you a message, and you never reveal your email address.
Cryptic Disk in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDisk encryption software.
Cryptophone in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxGSMK CryptoPhones are the first and only fully trustworthy solution for completely confidential mobile phone calls
CSipSimple in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCSipSimple is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for Google Android operating system using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
CustomizeGoogle in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA Firefox extension that removes unwanted information (like ads, tracking and spam) and adds links from other sources to the search results.
Cyn.in in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCyn.in is designed to help teams to communicate faster and build collaborative knowledge by sharing and discussing various forms of digital content in a secure application. Features capabilities like wikis, social networks, blogs, file sharing repositories, micro blogs, discussion boards and other communication applications into one secure enterprise platform.
tagged: blog, board, collaborate, collaborative, discussion, enterprise, file, groupware, networks, secure, Security, sharing, social, wiki -
Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDarik's Boot and Nuke ("DBAN") is a self-contained boot floppy that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers.
DataGuard Vault in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOnline data backup.
Deep Burner Free in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA CD & DVD burning tools for windows
DeltaCopy in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDeltaCopy is an open source, fast incremental backup program.
DemocraKey in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecurity and privacy protection software.
diceware in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxTools and advice for generating passwords
Dr. Web in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxAntivirus tool for Macintosh
driftnet in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxInspired by EtherPEG (though, not owning an Apple Macintosh, I've never actually seen it in operation), Driftnet is a program which listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes. Fun to run on a host which sees lots of web traffic.
Drive Image XML in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxan easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives
DriveSentry in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxGives computer users the ability to control what applications and programmes write to their drives, in real-time, preventing damage or corruption to personal files.
East-Tec Eraser in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxEast-Tec Eraser 2007 protects your privacy, identity and confidential information and removes all evidence of your computer and online activity.privacy security
EJBCA in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxEJBCA is an enterprise class PKI Certificate Authority built on J2EE technology. It is a robust, high performance, platform independent, flexible, and component based CA to be used stand-alone or integrated in other J2EE applications
encFS in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxEncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs without any special permissions and uses the FUSE library and Linux kernel module to provide the filesystem interface. You can find links to source and binary releases below.
Enigmail in 28 toolboxes
add to my toolboxEnigmail is an extension to the mail client of Mozilla / Netscape and Mozilla Thunderbird which allows users to access the authentication and encryption features provided by GnuPG
Eraser in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxEraser is used to permanently delete (wipe) sensitive data from your computer.
etherpeg in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxEtherPEG is a free program for the Macintosh that shows you all the JPEGs (and GIFs) going by on your network.
Ewido in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA free anti-spyware protection tool developed by GRISOFT for home use
F-Secure in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
F-Secure Anti-Virus in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecurity suite for small businesses.
File Recover in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxRecovers files instantly from hard drives, floppy drives and other types of fixed media.
Filseclab Personal Firewall in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall for Windows
Fire in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA multi-protocol IM client for OS X
Fix-It Utilities in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDiagnostic utilities, optimization and Virus and Spyware protection
ForceTLS in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxFirefox addon which maximizes the number of sites you visit which are served via HTTPS. This helps secure you from accidentally negotiating an insecure session with certain sites.
Free Hide Folder in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxFree Hide Folder is a free computer security software to hide your private folders.
Free Undelete in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFreeUndelete can help lost data from accidentally deleted files
FreeBSD in 12 toolboxes
add to my toolboxopen source operating system optimized for use as a server
tagged: free, freesoftware, hosting, opensource, operating, operatingsystem, OS, Security, server, system, unix -
Freebyte Backup in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFreebyte Backup is a freeware backup program for Windows
freemail in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFreemail is an email-like messaging system that transports all messages over Freenet 0.7 in order to achieve anonymity and censorship-resillience
Freenet in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFreenet is a decentralized censorship-resistant peer-to-peer distributed data store
freenigma in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxfreenigma adds privacy technology (with strong e-mail encryption) to your favourite webmail service.
Ghost for Unix (g4u) in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxghost for unix - is a NetBSD-based bootfloppy/CD-ROM that allows easy cloning of PC harddisks to deploy a common setup on a number of PCs using FTP
Globaleaks in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
GlobaLeaks is the first open-source whistleblowing framework. It empowers anyone to easily set up and maintain a whistleblowing platform. GlobaLeaks can help many different types of users: media organizations, activist groups, corporations and public agencies.
tagged: blow, blowing, data, globa, global, globaleaks, leaks, privacy, Security, transparency, whistle, whistle-blowing, whistleblowing, wsjdata -
Gmail File System in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxGmailFS is a virtual filesystem which allows users to mount and use their Gmail email account's storage as a local disk drive.
GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in 25 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) enables people to securely exchange messages and to secure files with both privacy and strong authentication. GnuPG is a free software replacement for the PGP suite of cryptographic software.
Guardian Project port to Android: https://guardianproject.info/code/gnupg/
GPG Suite in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxGPG Suite includes GPG for Mail, GPG Keychain, GPG Services, and MacGPG
GPG for Mail is an open source plugin for Apple Mail. Encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify mails using OpenPGP with a few simple clicks.
GPG Keychain is an open source application for Mac OS X. It allows you to manage your OpenPGP keys. Create and modify your keys and import the keys of your friends from a key server.
GPG Services is a plugin that brings GPG power to almost any application.
It allows you to encrypt/decrypt, sign/verify and import keys from text selections, files, folders and much more.MacGPG is the underlying power engine of our GPG Suite. If you're familiar with the command line use the raw power of it.
Based on GnuPG 2.0.20. -
GPG4Win in 8 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Gpg4win project aims at updating the Gpg4win Windows installation package with GnuPG encryption tool, associated applications and documentation on a regular basis.
GPGshell in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxGPGshell is a graphic interface for GnuPG that allows you to use the cryptographic software GnuPG in a easy and user friendly way
Guardian Project Installer in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxThis is a flashable zip that installs most of the apps from the Guardian Project. The guardian project is a non-profit organization that is building apps and tools to help users and whistle-blowers alike to stay safe and anonymous in this day and age. This is a faster way to setup a secure/private device. I also encourage enabling Full Disk Encryption in ICS/JB settings.
Guardian ROM in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecure Android ROM
XDA-Developers Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317794
Guardian ROM is a custom android ROM for Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4 devices. The ROM is completely Open Source and based off of the Android Open Source Project. The ROM aims to due the following:
Secure/Harden the android kernel with GRSecurity
Remove uneeded/Insecure binaries (Similar to SecDroid)
Replace insecure Text Messaging app with TextSecure
Include apps from the Guardian Project Installer (Optional add-on)
Include support for SQLCipher
Change Android Full Disk Encryption from AES-128 to AES-256 for more security
Allow for seperate Login and boot passwords
All of these have been completed except the final three which are underway but will take much more time. -
hamachi in 6 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWith Hamachi you can organize two or more computers with an Internet connection into their own virtual network for direct secure communication.
Handy Recovery in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHandy Recovery is an easy-to-use data recovery software designed to restore files that have been deleted from computers and floppy drives
HDClone in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDisk backup software.
Hide My IP in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSurf anonymously, prevent hackers from acquiring your IP address, send anonymous email, and un-ban yourself from Blogs or message boards.
Hotspot Shield in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHotspot Shield creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your laptop and the wireless router. It acts as a firewall to protect your privacy on unsecured networks.
Hushmail in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHushmail is a Web-based e-mail service that lets you send and receive email in total security
iAntiVirus in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxProvides real-time protection and system scanning to keep Macs safe and virus free.
InformaCam in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA mobile app for controlling visual media and metadata in a manner that allows the person capturing the media to secure, protect it, and share it with only the people you intend to.
InformaCam uses the built in sensors in modern smartphones as well wi-fi, bluetooth, and cell tower information to create a snapshot of the environment in which an image or video was captured. This validates the date, time and location of capture. Digital signatures and encryption ensure that your media hasn't been tampered with and can only be opened by the intended recipient.
tagged: android, cam, camera, data, FOSS, guardian, guardianproject, inform, informacam, open, open-source, opensource, privacy, project, Security, source, transparency, wsjdata -
InJoy Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
Invisiblog in 6 toolboxes
add to my toolboxinvisiblog.com lets you publish a weblog using GPG and the Mixmaster anonymous remailer network. You don't ever have to reveal your identity
IPCop in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxLinux firewall software.
iptables in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxnetfilter.org is home to the software of the packet filtering framework inside theLinux 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel series. Software commonly associated with netfilter.org is iptables.
Jetico Personal Firewall in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxFree firewall software.
Jungle Disk in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxJungle Disk is an application that lets you store files and backup data securely to Amazon.com's S3 ™ Storage Service.
Kapersky Internet Security in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
KeePass in 17 toolboxes
add to my toolboxKeePass is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way
KeePassDroid in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxKeePassDroid is a port of the KeePass Password safe for the Android platform.
KeePassX in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxKeePassX saves many different information e.g. user names, passwords, urls, attachments and comments in one single database. For a better management user-defined titles and icons can be specified for each single entry. Furthermore the entries are sorted in groups, which are customizable as well. The integrated search function allows to search in a single group or the complete database.
LastPass in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxLastPass is a password manager that makes web browsing easier and more secure.
Lilt in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxLilt utilizes the ambient light and sudden motion sensors found on recent Apple Macintosh portable computers to trigger actions
MAC Address Changer (SMAC) in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxMAC address spoofing for Windows. Works great.
Toolbox: Mac AntiVirus Tools created by Allen Gunn
Infected Macs aren't a rarity any more. This is a list of available antivirus tools
mac changer in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxA GNU/Linux utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
Mac GNU Privacy Guard in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMac GNU Privacy Guard (Mac GPG for short) is, after a fashion, the Mac OS X port of GnuPG, licensed under the GNU GPL.
MacScan in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxMacintosh Spyware Protection
Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAntivirus filtering plug in for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Make Myself Clear in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
Make Myself Clear" is a web application that scans social networks for potentially sensitive information associated with you
tagged: information, networks, personal, privacy, Security, social, transparency, violation, wsjdata -
Martus in 6 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMartus is designed to assist human rights organizations in collecting, safeguarding, organizing and disseminating information about human rights abuses. It enables grassroots NGOs to securely catalogue and store their records on off-site servers with easy
Mask Surf Lite in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMask Surf Lite is an Internet activity anonymizing tool which effectively protects your privacy by hiding or masking you identity while surfing the web.
Maxiorel Copy2Backup in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxBackup your files, FTP folders, MySQL databases and websites.
McAfee Internet Security Suite in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxIntegrated anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, anti-spam, anti-phishing, and backup technologies
Microsoft Security Essentials in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMicrosoft free anti-virus
MozyPro in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMozyPro is a business-quality, full-service backup solution.
Mpeg3Stego in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMP3Stego will hide information in MP3 files.
mSecure in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxMobile & desktop synced password vault.
MyLok in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxMyLOK is a secure password management technology that combines a portable tool (a USB drive) and software to give users a secure and portable personal password manager
Netcraft: What's that site running? in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxTrack uptime, latency, webserver & host information, ip address changes.
Network Scanner in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxNetwork Scanner is a free multi-threaded IP, NetBIOS and SNMP scanner
Network Security Auditor in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxNsauditor Network Security Auditor is a network security and vulnerability scanner that allows auditing and monitoring network computers for possible vulnerabilities, checking network for all potential methods that a hacker might use to attack it.
nmap in 8 toolboxes
add to my toolboxNmap ("Network Mapper") is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts.
NoAdware in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxInternet security tool that protects and does other functions against adware and spyware.
Norman Personal Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
Norton Antivirus in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAntivirus software for home and small-office users.
Norton Antivirus for Macintosh in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAntivirus software for the Mac OS.
Norton Internet Security in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxNorton Internet Security 2006 provides protection from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, port scans, privacy intrusions, and lurkers that intercept personal information.
Norton Internet Security for Macintosh in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxNorton Internet Security provides protection from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, port scans, privacy intrusions, and lurkers that intercept personal information.
Norton Personal Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall protection for a PC.
Norton Personal Firewall for Macintosh in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxFirewall protection for a Mac.
Norton Systemworks in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxirus protection and system maintenance tools to prevent and repair common computer problems
NoScript in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirefox add-on that disables most everything on the net but html, css and images. Handy if your security conscious, or surfing in disreputable corners of the net. Does have the downside that most of the net needs the very things this plug-in turns off, including much of Salsa.
NoScript Anywhere in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxNoScript Anywhere (NSA) is the nickname for the next major iteration of the NoScript security add-on (NoScript 3.x), whose guts have been turned upside down in order to match Mozilla's Electrolysis multiprocessing architecture and implement a porting for Firefox Mobile, available on Android smartphones and tablets.
NTI Shadow in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxShadow 3 enables automatic, continuous back up of photo, music, data, and video files to virtually any attached storage device.
ObscuraCam in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxThis app will also remove all identifying data stored in photos including GPS location data and phone make & model. You can save the protected photo back to the Gallery, or share it directly to Facebook, Twitter or any other “Share” enabled app.
tagged: android, anonymity, camera, FOSS, guardian, guardianproject, open, open-source, opensource, Security, source -
off the record (OTR) in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPlugin for Pidgin (internet messenger) that provides encrypted chat
Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging in 19 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOTR allows you to have private (not just encrypted) conversations over instant messaging by providing: Encryption, Authentication, Deniability, and Perfect forward secrecy.
OneTouch in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHard-drive backup software.
OONI - Open Observatory of Network Interference in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
OONI is the Open Observatory for Network Interference and its aim is to collect high quality data using open methodologies, using Free and Open Source Software (FL/OSS) to share observations and data about the kind, methods and amount of surveillance and censorship in the world
tagged: censor, censorship, data, interference, Network, observatory, oonee, ooni, open, privacy, Security, surveillance, transparency, unee, uni, wsjdata -
Toolbox: Open Android created by Jordan Ramos
Make Android work for you, not for Google!
OpenAntiVirus in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOpenAntiVirus is an open source community of experienced developers devoted to anti-virus research, computer and network security. Their project page offers a selection of security software including ScannerDaemon, VirusHammer, PatternFinder and more.
openLDAP in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxLDAP server, especially for authentication managment
OpenPGP and S/MIME aware Mailman in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMailman mailinglist manager fork that includes OpenPGP and S/MIME support
OpenSSH in 28 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecure shell
OpenVPN in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accomodate a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access solutions with load balancing, failover, and fine-grained access-controls
Orbot: Mobile Anonymity + Circumvention in 6 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOrbot is an application that allows mobile phone users to access the web, instant messaging and email without being monitored or blocked by their mobile internet service provider. Orbot brings the features and functionality of Tor (read more below) to the Android mobile operating system.
Orweb: Proxy+Privacy Browser in 6 toolboxes
add to my toolboxBased on the open-source Shadow browser from the University of Cambridge, Orweb works hand in hand with Orbot to provide web access that is able to circumvent web filters and firewalls, while also improving a users ability to remain anonymous online. Orweb also enables whitelist control of cookies, keeps no local history, disables Flash, and requires only Internet permissions, keeping you safe from malicious content. Beyond Tor, Orweb also supports any HTTP proxy server.
OStel in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOstel is a tool for having end-to-end encrypted phone calls. Our goal is to promote the use of free, open protocols, standards and software, to power end-to-end secure voice communications on mobile devices, as well as with desktop computers.
Outpost Firewall in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxPC firewall software.
Toolbox: Password Management Tools created by Allen Gunn
These tools help individuals and organizations to manage passwords to a collection of accounts in secure ways
Password Manager XP in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHelps systematize and securely store valuable information
Password Safe in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAn Open Source password manager that encrypts all information.
PC Pitstop in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree computer checkup and diagnostics.
tagged: antispyware, antivirus, diagnostic, hosted, optimization, Security, spyware, utilities, virus -
PC-cillin Internet Security in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecurity application suite for PCs.
Toolbox: PDF Tools created by Allen Gunn
A range of tools that create, edit, and read PDF files
Pdf995 in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxThe Pdf995 suite of products provides a broad spectrum of PDF functionality, including creation, editing, merging, and security.
Peer Guardian2 in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPeerGuardian 2 is an opensource windows firewall
Pegasus Mail in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxE-mail client, from the Internet's longest-serving PC e-mail system
Personal Data Report in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
An interactive view of how any given site is using your information
Pestagram in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
Pestagram takes information from one site - the intimate, emotional, mobile Instagram and presents it with the context of Pinterest - the public, aspirational, image packrat site to illustrate the ease with which information and data associated with your person can be used for other unintended circumstances.
pfSense in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxpfSense is a open source firewall derived from the m0n0wall operating system platform with radically different goals such as using OpenBSD's ported Packet Filter, FreeBSD 6.1 ALTQ (HFSC) for excellent packet queueing and finally an integrated package management system for extending the environment with new features.
Toolbox: PGP Encryption for Our Movements created by misty avila
Allied Media Conference Session with Palante Technology Cooperative and Aspiration | June 2014
PGPi in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPGPi is the international variant of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), a public key encryption program originally written by Phil Zimmermann in 1991.
PHLAK in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPHLAK was created to become the only tool security professionals would need to perform security analysis, penetration testing, forensics, and security auditing
Pidgin Portable in 6 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPortable Gaim is the versatile Gaim instant messaging client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your IM settings and buddy lists with you. The Off-the-record plugin is also included for secure, encrypted messaging
tagged: chat, communication, gmail, IM, instant-messenger, instantmessenger, messenger, portable, secbox, Security -
PixelCryptor in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPixelCryptor is an encryption program that enables you to create encrypted archives containing one or more files, and protect the content without the need to remember any password.
PktFilter in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPktFilter is a software that can configure the IPv4 filtering device driver found in Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003, with filtering rules following a syntax similar to IP Filter.
Portable Firefox in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPortable Firefox is a fully functional package of Firefox optimized for use on a USB key drive
Portable Thunderbird in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPortable Thunderbird is the popular Mozilla Thunderbird email client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your email, address book and account settings with you.
Postini in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecurity for electronic communications.
Prisma Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software.
PrivacyBucket in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
PrivacyBucket is a Chrome extension that measures the extent to which individual third-party trackers can discover demographic information about the user.
PrivacyScanner in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
A tool for website owners and developers to ensure their site manages private data appropriately and effectively: PrivacyScanner.
Users put in a URL, and we provide a report of the site partners' data collection activity, in multiple views. We provide a score for how well the site adheres to privacy best practices, and offer specific recommendations to improve the site.
Private Post in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxEmail encryption software
PrivateCrypto in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPC security software.
Privatefirewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
Priveazy in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
Priveazy aims to be a free one-stop resource for showing people exactly what they can do to protect their online privacy and protect the security of their devices and online accounts.
PriView in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
Priview users get a brief of the policies agreement of a specific site or services they're signing up to. Also companies are rated for their performance in managing private information.
Privoxy in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPrivoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, modifying web page data, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk.
tagged: add, antispyware, antivirus, blocking, opensource, privacy, protection, proxy, Security, webproxy -
Proxy Mobile in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxExtension for Firefox for Android. Simple add-on for settings HTTP, SOCKS and SSL proxy settings. Works by default with Orbot: Tor on Android.
PuTTY in 71 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA Free Telnet/SSH Client
Random Password Generator in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSimple random password generator
reCAPTCHA in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA CAPTCHA service that attempts to prevent spam on websites by requiring a human-readable-only test before submitting. reCAPTCHA is distinct because the words that the user is identifying help digitize books.
tagged: authentication, books, bot, bots, captcha, protection, reCAPTCHA, Security, spam, validation -
redWall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxredWall is a bootable CD-ROM Firewall.
RootkitRevealer in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxRootkitRevealer is an advanced rootkit detection utility. It runs on Windows NT 4 and higher and its output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that may indicate the presence of a user-mode or kernel-mode rootkit.
SecDroid in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxSecDroid hardens the android kernel by disable certain binaries that have internet access or can be used as an attack vector and by securing the TCP Stack using Systctl. This helps prevent some MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) and Spoofing attacks. It may also prevent some DOS (Denial-Of-Service) Attacks.
Secunia Software Inspector in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxDetects insecure versions of applications installed on your computer and verifies that Microsoft patches are installed
Toolbox: Secure & Private Web Browsing created by Matt Garcia
Tools to help protect your privacy online including tools to help stop sites from tracking your movements.
Secure Password Manager in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxYou can store and track names, passwords, credit cards, software serial numbers and confidential notes in an encrypted form
SecureZIP in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecure, encrypted email messages and attachments through integration with Microsoft Outlook
SecuritySpy in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSecuritySpy is a multi-camera video surveillance application for the Macintosh.
SendShield in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxScans your sent email attachments to ensure private data isn't being sent.
ShieldsUP! in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxWebsite that can check your computers vulnerabilities.
Shinkuro in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxShinkuro is a small software program that enables teams to securely share files, exchange instant messages, and do simple screen sharing.
Shorewall in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as "Shorewall", is a high-level tool for configuring Netfilter. You describe your firewall/gateway requirements using entries in a set of configuration files. Shorewall reads those configuration files and with the help of the iptables utility, Shorewall configures Netfilter to match your requirements.
Signal in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree and open source iPhone app that employs end-to-end encryption, allowing users to send messages and make calls while keeping their communication safe
SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxEncrypted internet chat protocol
SimpleAuthority in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSimpleAuthority is a Certification Authority (CA) that is designed to be very easy to use. It generates and manages keys and certificates that provide cryptographic digital identities for people and/or computer servers.
Site Scoper in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
Site Scoper analyzes a website for tracking, cookies and analytics before you visit so you know what information would be gathered.
SiteAdvisor in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirefox plug-in that warns you of malicious websites before you surf to them.
Skype in 228 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree/cheap Internet telephony and handy IM tool.
tagged: apc, calls, chat, crossplatform, free, globalmelt, IM, instantmessaging, internettelephony, leadlearn, MacOSX, management, OnDemandNPO, phone, project, secbox, Security, skype, skypeout, tools, video, voip -
SoftPerfect Personal Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe SoftPerfect Personal Firewall is a free network firewall designed to protect your PC against attacks from the Internet or via a local area network.
Sophos in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAntivirus, application and device control, NAC, and firewall, with
built-in web protection and patch assessment -
SOS Online Backup in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOnline data backup.
SPAMfighter in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree Spam Filter for Outlook and Outlook Express
SpamShield in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAnti-spam product for Outlook and Outlook Express.
SpamSieve in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAdds powerful Bayesian spam filtering to Mac e-mail clients.
SSH Tunnel Manager in 7 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSSH Tunnel Manager is a front-end for the ssh command when used to open tunnels between two hosts.
Stardock KeepSafe in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxData backup software.
Steganography in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxTool of hiding information on the contents of the file within another file!
stegdetect in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolbox"[An] automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images."
tagged: Cryptography, detection, free, image, opensource, processing, Security, steganographic, steganography, utilty -
steghide in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolbox"A steganography program that is able to hide data in various kinds of image- and audio-files."
tagged: Security, steganography -
stunnel in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxStunnel is a program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) available on both Unix and Windows. Stunnel can allow you to secure non-SSL aware daemons and protocols (like POP, IMAP, LDAP, etc) by having Stunnel provide the encryption, requiring no changes to the daemon's code.
SugarSync in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxBackup, access and share files via hosted service. Provides remote access to files securely from Mac, PC or mobile device.
SUPERAntiSpyware in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxSpyware removal software.
SurfSecret Personal Firewall in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFirewall software
SyncBack in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFreeware to backup and synchronize files.
Syncronize Backup in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSyncronize Backup is a backup software for Windows platform that copies data directly on the hard disk or CD-rom
System Information for Windows in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPerforms computer configuration analysis and diagnostics. It gives detailed information about your computer properties and settings and detailed specs.
ThoughtFarmer in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThoughtFarmer is Social Intranet Software. It combines traditional intranet features — things like news, structured content, search and an employee directory — with social software features, like blogs, feeds, wikis and social networks.
tagged: blog, board, collaborate, collaborative, discussion, enterprise, file, groupware, networks, secure, Security, sharing, social, wiki -
TinFoil for Facebook in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxTinfoil for Facebook is for those users that require a Tinfoil Hat when logging in to Facebook. It creates a sandbox for Facebook's mobile site in order to protect your privacy and to avoid the ability others to track your browsing history.
TinyCA in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxGUI for openssl that allows creating self-signed SSL certificates
Tor Browser Bundle in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Tor software protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are blocked.
The Tor Browser Bundle lets you use Tor on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software. It can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web browser, and is self-contained. The Tor IM Browser Bundle additionally allows instant messaging and chat over Tor. If you would prefer to use your existing web browser, install Tor permanently, or if you don't use Windows, see the other ways to download Tor.
TOSback2 in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
A living archive of all privacy policies
transparen.cc in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxIN DEVELOPMENT
transparen.cc is a proof-of-concept for a proxy
service serving as a independent, transparent intermediator between social data and the apps that want to use them. -
TrendProtect in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxTrendProtect is a freeware browser plug-in that helps you avoid Web pages with unwanted content and hidden threats. TrendProtect rates the current page and pages listed in Google, MSN, and Yahoo search results. You can use the rating to decide if you want to visit or avoid a given Web page.
Truecrypt in 19 toolboxes
add to my toolboxTrueCrypt is a free open source on-the-fly encryption (OTFE) program for Microsoft Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux. It allows one to create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and then mount it as a real disk
Tunnelblick in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOpenVPN GUI for OSX
Tweet Blocker in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxTweetblocker is a free resource for Twitter users and application developers. Using advanced filtering, they catalog and rank the top spammers on Twitter, allowing users to quickly and easily find spammers.
Ultimate Boot CD for Windows in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxUBCD4Win is a bootable CD which contains software that allows you to repair/restore/diagnostic almost any computer problem. UBCD4Win is based on Bart's PE
Undelete Plus in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxScans the hard drive for deleted but recoverable files and allows user to restore them.
VaultletSuite in 12 toolboxes
add to my toolboxVaultletSuite 2 Go is privacy protecting software that installs on your hard drive or your thumb/USB drive. It uses Open Source 2048 bit RSA public key and 256 AES encryption, and provides easy-to-use (transparent) encrypted and controllable email and password protects important files.
Vipre in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAntivirus and anti-spyware software
VirusBarrier in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxProtects Macs from network threats, viruses, Trojan horses and all other malware
Web Confidential in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxProfessional password manager with strong encryption and Palm support
wifidog in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Wifidog project is premier Open Source captive portal solution. It was designed primarily for wireless community groups, but increasingly caters to various other WirelessCommunityModels as well.
WinCleaner AntiSpyware in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAnti-spyware freeware.
Windows Defender in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxAnti-malware software for Windows.
WindowZones in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxProtection against malicious Internet content by restricting an application's access to system files and settings
WinPatrol in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWindows security monitor and anti-malware program.
WinSCP in 24 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWinSCP (Windows Secure CoPY) is an open source SFTP and FTP client for Microsoft Windows. Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer. WinSCP offers basic file manager functionality for uploading and downloading files from a server.
WIPFW in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxWIPFW is a MS Windows operable version of IPFW for FreeBSD OS
Toolbox: WSJ Data Transparency Project Privacy Tools created by Matt Garcia
Tools put together at The Wall Street Journal Data Transparency Weekend event in New York on April 13-15, 2012. These tools focus around privacy, security and data transparency.
XPrivacy in 1 toolbox
add to my toolboxModule for Xposed Framework.
XPrivacy can prevent applications from leaking privacy sensitive data. XPrivacy can restrict the categories of data an application can access. This is done by feeding an application with no or fake data. There are several data categories which can be restricted, for example contacts or location. For example, if you restrict access to contacts for an application, this will result in sending an empty contact list to the application. Similarly, restricting an application's access to your location will result in a set location being sent to the application.
ZFone in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxZfone is software for secure voice communication over the Internet (VoIP). It is created by Phil Zimmermann, the creator of the PGP encryption software. Zfone works on top of existing SIP- and RTP-programs, like Gizmo and SIPphone
Zmanda in 0 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree/Open Source network backup solution
ZoneAlarm in 14 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWindows firewall software with free version for basic use.