Feed rgraves' Personal Toolbox (13 tools)
CompleteCampaigns in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxASP suite of tools for fundraising, accounting, volunteer coordination, campaign finance reporting, voter tracking and content management
tagged: accounting, ASP, campaign, content-management, email, event, fundraising, politics, volunteer, voter-tracking -
DemsLink in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCampaign management software suite.
eCoordinator in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHosted tool for coordinating volunteer needs, including data, schedules, and reports.
Knowledge Messenger in 2 toolboxes
add to my toolboxKnowledgeMessenger provides a complete set of website components and services that enable elected officials, schools and non-profits the ability to entice::engage::activate their audience.
tagged: blog, calendar, content-management, contributions, crm, database, event, files, knowledge-base, newsletters, poll, survey, volunteer, website -
Livejournal in 16 toolboxes
add to my toolboxHosted community blogging service.
ROVIR in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxManage and organizes volunteers, including skills, availability, participation, funding, and reporting
SAHANA in 12 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSahana is a Free and Open Source Disaster Management system.
servenet in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxa volunteer management tool for nonprofits
Volgistics in 5 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe online system for recruiting, tracking and coordinating volunteers
Volunteer Impact in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSupports recruiting, tracking qualifications, scheduling and recording hours, reporting, communications, automation and volunteer engagement.
Volunteer Reporter in 4 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSupports volunteer management duties, including custom reports, spreadsheets, templates, mail merges, volunteer profiles
VolunteerForChange.org in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxVolunteerForChange.org was created by Working Assets in order to make volunteering easier for busy people who want to make a difference.
VolunteerWorks in 3 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOrganizes volunteer records, tracks volunteer assignments, hours, training, recognition, and more.