phpMyAdmin in 60 toolboxes
Aaron using 50 tools
Systems Analyst at American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia, PA
Aleksei Bebinov using 41 tools
Arthur Coulston using 40 tools
Consultant at Independent in Santa Cuz
bec using 18 tools
Sacramento, CA
Birgit Ferran using 16 tools
Educational technologist at Catalan Department of Education in Barcelona, Spain
Daniel Cedilotte using 25 tools
FACIL, TikiWiki in Laval, Quebec
davechakrabarti using 23 tools
Diki Andeas using 34 tools
Web Developer and Designer at PT. Jerbee Indonesia, also member of in Indonesia
Ubuntu and FOSS Graphics enthusiast -
Fen Labalme using 59 tools
CivicActions in Pittsburgh, PA
FOSS for schools! -
Fran Boon using 83 tools
Deputy International Support Manager at Oxfam GB in Oxford, UK
Free Software for the Web created by Amanda Hickman
Free and Open Source software for web servers that can help non-profits realize their mission and goals.
We're looking for tools that real organizations are using now, and for tools that non-profits could be using that they might not realize are ready for prime time.
This toolbox is part of the NonProfit Open Source Initiative's Free and Open Source Software Primer Project. Our goal is to maintain a living list of free and open source software tools and applicacations that can help non-profits and other civil society groups realize their goals and mission.
We invite you to contribute to this toolbox, and to check out our other toolboxes and help us keep them relevant as well.
Comments? Questions? See a tool that really doesn't belong? You can discuss this toolbox on our website.
Gotham Gazette created by Amanda Hickman
New York City News and Policy, and online news paper.
Hapee de Groot using 34 tools
hayley Dowsett using 45 tools
Whoa what a day -
heather lehman using 8 tools
principal at atrocityarts/turtle13, digital librarian for Business Ethics Network in vancouver, washington
global technologies to strengthen local communities -
Jeremy Wallace using 65 tools
President at ABCDataworks in Brooklyn, NY
Jesse_hz using 12 tools
John Dukovich using 43 tools
Green Moon Solutions in Washington, DC
Jonathan Carter using 53 tools
Technical Co-ordinator at Shuttleworth Foundation in Cape Town, South Africa
jwelam using 78 tools
Krrypton using 134 tools
Maggie Verster using 44 tools
What comes around goes around- so spread some learning!!! -
Marc Laporte using 30 tools
Administrator at Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in Montréal, Canada
Software made the wiki way -
Marc-André Lanciault using 17 tools
Web Developer at The ImpressCMS Project in Montreal
Mary Luketich using 26 tools
President at HOAwiki in Austin, Texas USA
Build Better Communities. -
mat8iou using 68 tools
Matt Parker using 13 tools
EA/TEF Family Support Connection in Colorado, USA
maxferrario using 24 tools
Michael Maranda using 75 tools
AFCN in Chicago
michiel using 68 tools
Mihai Gheza using 32 tools
co-founder at Softicator in Brasov, Romania
mikeben using 22 tools
Mikel using 50 tools
mpaynter using 42 tools
orientromance using 321 tools
owkhwe using 69 tools
Pavan Kumar using 20 tools
Student at India
rchk using 110 tools
Rick Cohen using 10 tools
Membership and Technology Specialist at National Council of Nonprofit Associations/Nonprofit Congress in Washington, DC
ricoism using 16 tools
Rob Schley using 46 tools
Partner at Webimagery in New Orleans, LA, USA
Robert Guerra using 184 tools
Ryan Ozimek using 34 tools
Founder at PICnet / Soapbox Engage in Washington, DC
Empowering the missions of non-profits through technology. -
Samir Nassar using 87 tools
Sangura Sitati using 23 tools
Nairobi, Kenya
Drupal and FLOSS enthusiast -
Seb Paquet using 41 tools
Montreal, Canada
Free Hugs! -
TheRSVPNetwork using 28 tools
Tim Wescott using 63 tools
Social Source Commons Product Manager at Aspiration in San Francisco, CA
Tim's SSC Testing Tools created by Tim Wescott
Tools Tim uses for Testing SSC
Tomas Krag using 64 tools
CTO at Refugees United in Copenhagen, Denmark
Happenstance, not circumstance -
victor sapar using 47 tools
non-profit technology consultant at philippines
Web development created by Rolf Kleef
Stuff I find useful while developing PHP/MySQL web applications
Will Anderson using 41 tools
Human Services Emergency Coordinator at New York City Office of Emergency Management in Brooklyn, NY
Emergency Manager/ Budding NGO tech coordinator -
Will Murray using 123 tools
Student at Sacramento, CA
William (Bill) Lester using 27 tools
Executive Director at NonProfit Organizations Knowledge Initiative in New York, NY US
Better Performance - Better NonProfits -
Wim Wittesaele using 24 tools
WordPress for the Accidental Blogger or Webmaster created by Charise Van Liew
Recommended plugins and other tools for creating and maintaining a site with WordPress.
Most of these tools were used to create & manage, a volunteer-run resource website for nonprofit social justice professionals with a focus on the DC community.
Xavi using 24 tools
yakker using 14 tools
Yit created by Nadia EL-Imam
tools for running collaborative project I'm workin on