Ritababy560's contacts
justim using 0 tools
mullet123 using 0 tools
sydneyw using 0 tools
mamun using 0 tools
mgraham using 0 tools
djchavez using 0 tools
EricLB using 0 tools
ginnapinna using 0 tools
crystal using 0 tools
rinsad using 0 tools
exzodic600 using 0 tools
dkeats using 0 tools
Floyd-out using 0 tools
m@x123Z using 0 tools
dadmoffatt using 0 tools
wiley14 using 0 tools
wolframald using 0 tools
christo using 0 tools
bgdwg32 using 0 tools
sbduru using 0 tools
ggaetz using 21 tools
violet23 using 0 tools
efsacco using 0 tools
shar48910 using 0 tools
FaustGertz using 0 tools
rozlemieux using 0 tools
arpudham using 0 tools
winlee using 0 tools
anneking using 0 tools
maluiv using 0 tools
rbcsoriano using 0 tools
jbrothers using 0 tools
Crimperman using 0 tools
isdebangladesh using 0 tools
stringshyd using 0 tools
acuario using 0 tools
ondebt using 0 tools
bpocanada using 0 tools
plq using 0 tools
zombie_kun using 0 tools
fredupraz using 0 tools
mathmodeler using 0 tools
capitanfreeware using 0 tools
ajohnmichael using 0 tools
nitpicker using 0 tools
amar using 0 tools
adamfalls using 0 tools
fakruddinb using 0 tools
RogerRustad using 0 tools
aleithialow using 0 tools
cyomatics using 0 tools
lobo using 3 tools
amaradodave using 10 tools
prefierobollitos using 3 tools
and106@socialsourcecommons.org using 0 tools
kwame1965 using 0 tools
briang using 0 tools
jsilber using 0 tools
huhangho using 0 tools
gpeddle using 0 tools
Kai using 14 tools
aSa using 0 tools
lars3loff using 1 tool
kgoodwil using 0 tools
heandshi using 0 tools
candice2011 using 0 tools
RobCottingham using 6 tools
ariane using 1 tool
josoroma using 0 tools
yajho using 0 tools
vikasverma12321 using 0 tools
venky using 1 tool
MAMMk using 0 tools
emanz3 using 0 tools
kendo using 0 tools
tkulow using 0 tools
hou777 using 0 tools
mothra using 0 tools
probe using 5 tools
patconradwexler using 0 tools
Silona using 0 tools
breale_bolivia using 0 tools
george using 0 tools
yongliu using 9 tools
procile using 0 tools
freemind using 0 tools
bruce using 0 tools
cjeffii using 0 tools
skylar1 using 0 tools
wdx794 using 0 tools
etaylor using 0 tools
softballgurl4life_2 using 0 tools
abdullanawfal using 0 tools
RogerA.Lohmann using 3 tools
rosemary using 0 tools
turnpikefeminist using 2 tools
moses_rona using 0 tools
Marcia using 1 tool
suzan using 0 tools
MEANMAGENTA using 0 tools
hung123 using 0 tools
edobejar using 0 tools
funnydiva using 0 tools
mlglkats using 0 tools
snj using 9 tools
RajM using 0 tools
naziasanju using 0 tools
preetunair using 0 tools
mzab16 using 0 tools
ianibbo using 0 tools
bokuno using 14 tools
heijkman using 0 tools
fran using 0 tools
kgreed using 0 tools
jpeizer using 3 tools
jehan using 0 tools
aelroy using 0 tools
sharmsen using 6 tools
marsupial2k using 0 tools
dormot using 0 tools
nigel.fleet using 1 tool
TLknowledge using 0 tools
stevenmansour using 0 tools
AaliyahJAC using 0 tools
snowbal1 using 0 tools
adalen using 0 tools
Adam using 0 tools
skajiyam using 1 tool
pnm using 0 tools
duke777 using 0 tools
Muno using 0 tools
jrstellfox using 0 tools
gilatoo using 0 tools
kellan using 0 tools
sjaenisch using 11 tools
alissonng using 0 tools
test99 using 0 tools
varuldas using 0 tools
waugaman using 0 tools
Graham01 using 0 tools
empp206 using 0 tools
partha using 0 tools
ve4rw using 0 tools
gpoulsen using 0 tools
bluephysics using 0 tools
cleyda using 0 tools
bradwolaver using 0 tools
bekamop using 0 tools
misha_d using 0 tools
rgraves using 13 tools
phoenixsmiling using 0 tools
mdo10025 using 0 tools
toz using 0 tools
thierryk using 0 tools
road2nowhere using 3 tools
andybrooks using 13 tools
normdelisle using 4 tools
goodorderlydirection2000 using 0 tools
bfosbrook using 3 tools
bosco.seiwert using 0 tools
CPCA using 0 tools
Etcetera using 0 tools
KINGAZ77 using 0 tools
tcboston using 0 tools
raines using 0 tools
franktruly using 0 tools
sab49 using 13 tools
001badman using 0 tools
buburuza2005 using 0 tools
cla1re using 0 tools
arifmamdani using 1 tool
jmserra using 20 tools
athan_king15 using 0 tools
spitter using 0 tools
helenhill2813 using 0 tools
bertrandlavigne using 0 tools
pundir using 9 tools
nicktanner using 0 tools
Vera83 using 0 tools
sheetcafe using 0 tools
Sasha using 0 tools
lashley using 1 tool
darioopensources using 0 tools
klagden using 4 tools
williamgothard using 0 tools
yourhead using 0 tools
mcg using 0 tools
tspann using 2 tools
aami1690 using 0 tools
benrigby using 0 tools
barrrigan211 using 0 tools
dahnag using 2 tools
gatetoafrica using 4 tools
GrantMcHerron using 16 tools
gandhos using 0 tools
gemmac using 0 tools
Albert1 using 3 tools
csweningsen using 0 tools
ziopoli using 0 tools
kgilbert1 using 0 tools
2bctnd using 0 tools
rafiq380 using 0 tools
jennycouncil using 1 tool
ssrajput using 0 tools
denisflorent using 14 tools
simonrowland using 0 tools
blepps using 0 tools
Yuliana using 0 tools
JonG using 0 tools
flazh using 0 tools
forumsantacristina using 5 tools
drkirkwilson using 0 tools
Hendri using 0 tools
webmasterIICD using 0 tools
mamajunebugjones using 0 tools
laceylouhou07 using 0 tools
Kduggan91 using 0 tools
vaibhav using 0 tools
gokubi using 1 tool
athindrans using 0 tools
kubrt using 0 tools
kost208 using 0 tools
folanda1970 using 0 tools
outofegypt using 0 tools
nekoibu using 0 tools
NurtureGirl using 0 tools
srains using 4 tools
antoniomota using 0 tools
dubsky using 0 tools
yerdua using 0 tools
jeff.mowatt using 0 tools
dalmolin using 1 tool
daddiesdaddy using 0 tools
yochida using 0 tools
ethans using 0 tools
Bugsy0625 using 0 tools
sminott using 0 tools
riza6315 using 0 tools
puma10 using 0 tools
Kuntur using 0 tools
aram_wi using 0 tools
martydossey using 0 tools
talomai using 0 tools
knowmad using 1 tool
tommyalbo using 0 tools
eltr3n using 0 tools
Barbara Crane using 1 tool
robbyrussell using 0 tools
fodden using 0 tools
procdaddy using 0 tools
Capnj using 1 tool
santhonys using 0 tools
akreider using 1 tool
wunderklicken using 0 tools
crssc using 0 tools
ehsignup using 0 tools
Westerly using 0 tools
jtoyboy1992 using 0 tools
Timothy using 0 tools
malaihashim using 0 tools
manas using 0 tools
shuvro using 0 tools
FarahM using 0 tools
mstakelt using 0 tools
pils01 using 0 tools
altair using 0 tools
tweetybird using 0 tools
dubtje using 0 tools
r1epperson using 0 tools
jdonovan using 0 tools
msbmsb using 0 tools
qrius2noall using 1 tool
julio using 0 tools
kim using 0 tools
scotsghost using 0 tools
binky61 using 0 tools
shanmugam using 0 tools
longhardroadoutofhelljelena using 0 tools
michaelmccarthy using 0 tools
Witwolf3 using 0 tools
Mithralsun using 4 tools
the_pek using 0 tools
emz using 0 tools
jlorance using 0 tools
DavidWoods using 0 tools
aluckey using 4 tools
museumspaces using 0 tools
vhamer using 0 tools
orientromance using 321 tools
jwelam using 78 tools
apcerika using 0 tools
ninakassla using 0 tools
Paul using 0 tools
freedomforip using 0 tools
leenie35 using 0 tools
djeddiebear using 0 tools
kmw using 46 tools
soumya using 0 tools
donpat using 0 tools
hitheshm using 0 tools
fongjones using 0 tools
shoshy using 0 tools
deborahpicar07 using 0 tools
geoffstone002 using 0 tools
wandamcelroy using 0 tools
DJPerl using 0 tools
jjcash using 0 tools
irishg using 13 tools
Amrit using 0 tools
loftninja using 0 tools
nananaina using 12 tools
davechakrabarti using 23 tools
mick using 0 tools
capsule using 0 tools
stevehweb using 0 tools
wackymacs using 17 tools
seth using 8 tools
pretty using 0 tools
jamie using 0 tools
pantarhei using 0 tools
mzahsan using 0 tools
cibervoluntarios using 6 tools
AIDAROBLES using 0 tools
jonl using 0 tools
Dutchess using 0 tools
Maccabi using 0 tools
ThomasKalka using 1 tool
DREW123 using 0 tools
dejitarob using 2 tools
edwin using 0 tools
suresh.badhani using 0 tools
aliya using 0 tools
quetzal using 0 tools
WISEPOP using 0 tools
lelievre using 0 tools
gwendt using 0 tools
kevinbsmith using 27 tools
prezbedard using 0 tools
godiane using 12 tools
bnnrc using 0 tools
IanElwood using 0 tools
dss1055 using 0 tools
h2dj using 0 tools
chrisbllack using 0 tools
tomwangid using 0 tools
nosi using 14 tools
bafie using 0 tools
vanessaelsa using 0 tools
larryalano using 0 tools
NetSaint using 0 tools
lantone using 0 tools
jeffdielle using 0 tools
me2you using 0 tools
dedukes using 19 tools
austin using 0 tools
skorey using 0 tools
temo using 0 tools
agusrudy using 0 tools
mhejek using 0 tools
bscinc using 3 tools
nicalorber using 0 tools
kairi using 1 tool
israel using 0 tools
gdsweetlou using 0 tools
Dsanwoola using 0 tools
mkrause1 using 1 tool
Luze using 0 tools
jsh using 0 tools
TriciaBoyd using 0 tools
sjsperry using 0 tools
charles using 0 tools
kurt_nielsen using 0 tools
pascaldc using 0 tools
skylar using 0 tools
Frogger Biddle using 15 tools
israr using 0 tools
costewart using 0 tools
stevespiker using 11 tools
fstopclick using 0 tools
pvillanueva using 1 tool
dringerb using 4 tools
carnoy using 8 tools
pepegee using 0 tools
calia using 0 tools
jjgauvin using 1 tool
buisuong using 0 tools
lovec_2007 using 0 tools
Leo using 0 tools
freedomskies using 0 tools
stevewwestfall using 0 tools
leemarberg using 1 tool
netix66 using 0 tools
kimlowery using 0 tools
kriengsin using 0 tools
notpeter using 1 tool
mia1 using 0 tools
burns using 0 tools
robwest using 0 tools
drdigipol using 0 tools
anniebennet using 0 tools
jth1963ut using 0 tools
katrin using 2 tools
Technocat using 0 tools
mentallo using 0 tools
neslopez using 1 tool
ryanmathis using 0 tools
rjmclain using 0 tools
sophiex using 0 tools
viejounojo using 0 tools
noors using 0 tools
ready4eddie56 using 0 tools
lauragibbons using 0 tools
jensly using 0 tools
blen using 0 tools
sri using 8 tools
fariz using 0 tools
fubzilla using 0 tools
TimonRedyn2112 using 0 tools
scout7 using 0 tools
shanehill00 using 26 tools
duckstrap using 2 tools
mu2003 using 8 tools
Software Developer at Lusaka, Zambia
redyaky using 3 tools
Houston, TX
scrost using 1 tool
Marketing and Communications at SierraTec in San Francisco & Grenoble France
Interactive/Web 2.0 Marketing -
otts using 4 tools
Children's Alliance in Seattle, WA, U.S.A
Bazzty using 2 tools
mikek123 using 2 tools
angelar using 1 tool
Techie using 2 tools
shanidar using 7 tools
Lhademmor using 11 tools
Student at Copenhagen, Denmark
softwarefreedom using 0 tools
and_ using 17 tools
EngageMedia in Melbourne
bampop using 20 tools
bec using 18 tools
Sacramento, CA
stevenspringfoundation using 0 tools
jhybeturtle using 15 tools
KL, Malaysia
adunayevichg using 15 tools
itrainonline editor at apc in
sunny using 13 tools
sypp in seattle
spider using 26 tools
Arizona, USA
rabble using 16 tools
San Francisco
amaitra using 0 tools
Cupertino, CA USA
sonny using 1 tool
c_5 using 16 tools
kriskrug using 7 tools
President at Bryght in Vancouver, BC
i am whatever you say i am -
A C using 1 tool
Aaron using 50 tools
Systems Analyst at American Friends Service Committee in Philadelphia, PA
Adam Clare using 33 tools
Founder at ThingsAreGood.com in Canada
Check out my awesome website -
Adam Thompson using 8 tools
Associate Director for Programs and Instruction at Global Information Internship Program in Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Alan Hodson using 28 tools
Campus Technology Coordinator at El Paso ISD in El Paso, TX
Alek Tarkowski using 4 tools
Public Lead at Creative Commons Poland in Warsaw, Poland
Grow. -
Alex Dupuy using 2 tools
Board member at Rensselaer County Historical Society in Troy, NY, USA
Alexandra Samuel using 6 tools
CEO at Social Signal in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Collaboration for communities -
Ali using 9 tools
Allan Stanley using 3 tools
Information Designer at Tactical Tech in Bangalore, India
Alyson Graves using 0 tools
Business Development/Non-Profit Partnerships at Helium, Inc. in Andover, MA
Where knowledge rules -
Amanda Hickman using 36 tools
Program Director at DocumentCloud in Brooklyn, NY
Transparency and participation. -
Andika Triwidada using 0 tools
Ubuntu Indonesia in Bandung, Indonesia
andrew garton using 1 tool
executive director at association for progressive communications, australia in melbourne, victoria, australia
Ann Tothill using 44 tools
Sydney, Australia
Arjun Venkatraman using 18 tools
Analyst at India
If your eggs are the brokens...you may as well make the omelettes -
Arthur Coddington using 26 tools
Program Manager at Craigslist Foundation in United States
Bardhyl Jashari using 8 tools
Metamorphosis Foundation in Macedonia
ICT for better society -
Barry A using 22 tools
tech consultant at PDX Tech for Advocacy/Peaceful Tomorrows in Portland, OR
nonviolent revolutionary office work -
Barry Madore using 0 tools
Web Developer at Advantage Labs, Inc. in Saint Paul, MN USA
The Art and Science of Online Progress -
Becky Faith using 2 tools
Production Manager at Fahamu in
Becky Faith using 0 tools
Project Leader at Tactical Tech in Brighton
Ben Mauer using 11 tools
Web Designer at Quilted in Jamaica Plain, MA
Making technological heartlands. -
Ben Schaffer using 12 tools
President at Media Mezcla Campaign Engine in New York NY
Talk to your supporters, not tech support. -
Benjamin Melançon using 11 tools
web developer at People Who Give a Damn, http://pwgd.org in Natick, Massachusetts, USA
Open Source Web Development and Building the Infrastructure of a Network for Everyone -
Beth Felice using 32 tools
Diocese of Missouri in St Louis, MO, USA
Beth Kanter using 38 tools
Independent Consultant in Near Boston, MA
betovski using 10 tools
Cebolais de Cima, Portugal
Brad Warren using 2 tools
Director at The Earth Assistance Foundation in Tanzania
Brenda Burrell using 7 tools
Kubatana.net in Harare, Zimbabwe
Bren -
Brianna Laugher using 31 tools
Computational linguist at Melbourne, Australia
Wiki and free culture enthusiast -
Bruce Henry using 0 tools
Director of Rocket Science at Team46 in Seattle, WA
Bruce Wolfe, M.S.W using 0 tools
principal at <a href="http://www.GreenCampaigns.com">Green Campaigns</a> in San Francisco, CA, 94103 USA
Feel good... -
C.L. Everett using 14 tools
Central Valley
Catherine Carey using 6 tools
Evaluator at Practical Research in Baltimore, MD
cheryl using 46 tools
Technology Consultant at NetCorps in Durham, NC
Chris Holmes using 9 tools
VP, Strategic Development at The Open Planning Project in New York City, NY
... -
Chris Messina using 0 tools
CEO at Citizen Agency in San Francisco
I hate filling out these profiles. -
courtney miller using 7 tools
Floatleft in Washington, DC
Dale Chadwick using 9 tools
Technical Director at EurActiv.com in Brussels
dan mcquillan using 0 tools
Interim Director of Internet & E-communications Programme at Amnesty International (International Secretariat) in London
Daniel D'Esposito using 6 tools
editor at Human Rights Tools in Coppet, Switerland
Daniel Dye using 43 tools
Daniel Gillmor using 0 tools
Technology Advisor at Brooklyn, NY
Daniel Heath using 6 tools
senior consultant at Giant Rabbit in El Cerrito, CA
technology serving your mission -
Darryl Rutherford using 0 tools
Community Development Specialist at California Coalition for Rural Housing in Davis, CA
Everybody deserves safe and decent affordable housing! -
Dave Carlton using 7 tools
Owner at polyMicro Systems in USA
Dave -
Dave Evans using 41 tools
Worker-Owner at Brattleboro Tech Collective in Brattleboro, VT
Dave McClure using 0 tools
500hats.com in SF bay area
David Geilhufe using 25 tools
Program Manager at NetSuite.org in Sunnyvale, CA
David Marsden using 0 tools
David Sasaki using 0 tools
Director of Outreach at Global Voices in Oakland, CA, USA
David Taylor using 15 tools
Director at Radical Designs in San Francisco, CA
David Tremblay using 17 tools
Project Manager at infoglobe in Québec city
http://www.infoglobe.ca -
Deborah Elizabeth Finn using 47 tools
Cyber-Yenta at (independent consultant) in Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What is good...but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your god?" (Micah 6:8) -
Diki Andeas using 34 tools
Web Developer and Designer at PT. Jerbee Indonesia, also member of Ubuntu-id.org in Indonesia
Ubuntu and FOSS Graphics enthusiast -
Dirk Slater using 17 tools
Program Manager at Tactical Tech in United States
Fabulous -
dmitri vitaliev using 33 tools
eQuality in Montreal, QC
Dmitry Buterin using 1 tool
President at Bonasource Inc. in Toronto
Blog: www.usability.ca -
Dong Calmada using 19 tools
National Coordinator at PEACE Foundation, Inc. in Marikina City, Philippines
A social activist with a passion for ICT. -
dongwon jo using 1 tool
Ed Dodds using 3 tools
Strategist at Conmergence in Nashville, TN
facilitating convergence -
Elissa Perry using 25 tools
San Francisco Bay Area
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe -
Eliza Rebah using 0 tools
Burlington, Canada
Eric Leland using 2 tools
Partner at FivePaths in Berkeley, CA
Erik Hopp using 17 tools
Developer at Quilted Design Collaborative in Berkeley, CA
Erika Olavarría using 0 tools
Communicatios Responsable at Iwith.org in spain
journalist spain NGO -
Ethan McCutchen using 1 tool
Executive Director at Grass Commons in Eugene, OR
Physical Ethosopher -
Ethan Zuckerman using 13 tools
co-founder, big geek at Global Voices Online in Lanesboro, MA, USA
Eugene Chan using 3 tools
Director of Technology at Community Technology Foundation in Berkeley
Eugene Kim using 17 tools
Principal at Blue Oxen Associates in San Francisco, CA, USA
evonne heyning using 24 tools
Creative Director at Amoration and Toyshoppe Productions in Los Angeles
Powered by AMO, Driven by LOVE -
Filipe AlvesFerreira using 11 tools
Author at Los Cedros 17 in Lourizán, Pontevedra, Spain
4G3W -
Fouad Bajwa using 0 tools
Co-Founder & General Secretary at International Free and Open Source Software Foundation iFOSSF in Lahore, Pakistan
ifossf -
Fran Boon using 83 tools
Deputy International Support Manager at Oxfam GB in Oxford, UK
Francisco Sarmiento III using 0 tools
Project Support Officer at IOSN ASEAN+3 in Manila, Philippines
iosn asean+3 philippines UP manila -
Frederick Noronha using 46 tools
Independent Journalist at Goa, India
Writing with a difference... on what makes the difference -
Georgia Popplewell using 1 tool
Managing Director at Global Voices in Trinidad & Tobago
Giacomo Rambaldi using 0 tools
Gregg Swanson using 4 tools
Founder and Executive Director at HumaniNet in Portland, Oregon, USA
Gregory Heller using 19 tools
Partner at CivicActions, LLC in Seattle, WA, USA
Changing the world one node at a time! -
Gregory Thorpe using 0 tools
president, editorial staff... respectively at Land Speculations and Matter in Los Angeles, CA
H G using 1 tool
IT Student at Victoria, Australia
Hapee de Groot using 34 tools
Heather Carpenter using 44 tools
Assistant Director at Aspiration in
Better Tools for a Better World -
heather gardner-madras using 12 tools
principal at gardner-madras | strategic creative in Oregon
Helen King using 19 tools
Principal Advisor at Shuttleworth Foundation in London
Helge Fahrnberger using 7 tools
Vienna, Austria
Holly Ross using 6 tools
Executive Director at 97205 in Portland, OR
ian gottesman using 10 tools
director ICT at youth service america in washington DC metro area
Ian Runeckles using 4 tools
Circuit Rider at Lasa in London, UK
icekin using 1 tool
Melbourne, Australia
Idealware using 0 tools
Portland, Maine
Candid Information about Nonprofit Software -
Identity Woman Kaliya using 0 tools
Network Director at Planetwork in oakland, CA
The Network for Webolutionaries -
Isam Taylor using 0 tools
Sr. Consutlant at Ujima Consutlants in Seattle, Washington 98122
Human Services Software -
Jacek Śliwerski using 1 tool
Software Developer at Dresden, Germany
Janet H using 5 tools
Program Manager at OSI in Budapest
If I'd known you were coming, I would have baked you a cake. -
Janet Johnson using 0 tools
Partner at o'Johnson Partners in Portland, OR, USA
The Art of Marketing -
Jasmina using 0 tools
Sarajevo, BA
Jason Zanon using 11 tools
DemocracyInAction in Washington DC
Jeff Bundy using 0 tools
CIO at Human Services in Houston, TX
Imagination. Innovation. Implementation. -
Jeremy Wallace using 65 tools
President at ABCDataworks in Brooklyn, NY
Jerome Gotangco using 22 tools
Catastrophist at ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc. in Quezon City, Philippines
Tag no evil! -
Jerzy Celichowski using 6 tools
Deputy Director of Information Program at Open Society Institute in Budapest, Hungary
Jim Fennessey using 0 tools
Director, Management Information Systems at Jhpiego Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Essaions! -
jim reid using 0 tools
community relations at pittsburgh
we change lives. -
Joanna Liza Mariazeta using 0 tools
Systems Developer at Wingcast Incorporated in Manila
Joe Baker using 19 tools
Campaign Director at Care2 in Redwood City, CA
John Abbe using 30 tools
Grass Commons in Eugene, Oregon
World Undomination! -
John Reid using 0 tools
President at Computer and Network Services in Caldwell, ID
We Keep Technology Working for You! -
John Robinson using 0 tools
Director Business Technology at CHI in Englewood, CO
Jon Stahl using 9 tools
Program Manager at ONE/Northwest in Seattle, WA
New tools and strategies for engaging people in protecting the environment -
Jonathan using 0 tools
Boston, MA
Jonathan Carter using 53 tools
Technical Co-ordinator at Shuttleworth Foundation in Cape Town, South Africa
Jonathon D. Colman using 18 tools
Associate Director, Digital Marketing at The Nature Conservancy in Seattle, WA, United States of America
Not all those who wander are lost... -
Jordi Duran i Batidor using 30 tools
CTO at Iwith.org Foundation in Nyon, Switzerland
Working for a better world -
Josh C using 15 tools
Worker-Owner at Brattleboro Tech Collective in Brattleboro, VT
Judy Hallman using 3 tools
RTPnet in Chapel Hill, NC, US
Judy Wallace using 1 tool
Principal Consultant at Judy Wallace Consulting in Gloucester, MA USA
Julie Keene using 9 tools
Student,taking computer classes at CNM, community College in Albuquerque,NM, 87105
????????????? -
Justine Chew using 0 tools
Virtual Presence Coordinator at Global Knowledge Partnership in Malaysia
Karen Herzog using 71 tools
Co-Founder & Executive Director at Sophia's Garden Foundation in
Healing in Community™ -
Kaustubh Srikanth using 13 tools
Senior Technologist at Tactical Technology Collective in New Delhi, India
Kelly Grove using 2 tools
Director of Marketing and Communications at Results Technologies Solutions, Inc. in Durham, NC
online tools, evaluation, data collection -
Kevin Cole using 0 tools
Cat herder at Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo in Washington, DC
". ! 1 |" -- Rene Magritte's computer -
kevin walsh using 30 tools
madison, wi
Kevin Wenzel using 29 tools
Statewide Website Coordinator at Virginia Poverty Law Center in Richmond, VA
Kim Tucker using 18 tools
Catalyst at Switzerland
libre knowledge learning education -
Kleverson Neves using 3 tools
Duque de Caxias, RJ,Brazil
Laura Quinn using 14 tools
Director at Idealware in Portland, Maine
Lauren Friedman using 26 tools
New York, NY USA
Leanna Applegate using 0 tools
Boardmember at The Kay Theater Foundation in Rockdale, Tx
Lena Zuniga using 57 tools
Sula Batsu in San Jose, Costa Rica and San Francisco, CA
Lisa using 1 tool
Lisa Rau using 3 tools
CEO at Confluence in Washington, DC
Where IT All Comes Together -
Lopo Lencastre de Almeida using 0 tools
Humaneasy Consulting in
M K using 28 tools
Maciej Jarzebowski using 8 tools
majill using 17 tools
Creative Arts Specialist at UP Diliman Interactive Learning Center in Philippines
Living Life Day by Day -
Manolita using 18 tools
Marianne Cellucci using 1 tool
SEO/PPC Analyst at Net Atlantic, Inc. in Massachusetts
We Get Email Delivered! -
mark B. using 8 tools
oakland, ca
Mark Boatwright using 0 tools
Program Specialist/Grants Coordinator at Racine Vocational Ministry in Racine, WI
Mark Bucciarelli using 12 tools
Freelance Developer at Massachusetts, USA
Professional bit twiddler -
Mark Surman using 12 tools
Managing Director at telecentre.org in Toronto, Canada
Hmmmm. -
Marnie Webb using 14 tools
Avid Internet User at TechSoup in San Francisco, CA , USA
Yup. -
Martin Smith using 0 tools
Coordinator at RedSeven Services - MATH Not METH in Camp One, Hesquait [Gold River] British Columbia
The time has come to put a fence at the top of the cliff - Instead of a net at the bottom: Thus giving a chance to build a bridge -
Martin Still using 1 tool
Project Manager at Mullard Space Science Laboratory in UK
Marty Kearns using 17 tools
Co-Founder at Green Media Toolshed in DC
What would you do with 10,000 people for 10 minutes? -
Mary Gross using 18 tools
Director at NMS/InfoTAP in San Diego, California
Matt Barkau using 14 tools
Matt Blair using 21 tools
Elsewise Media in United States
Matt Holland using 24 tools
Online Director at TrueMajority / TrueMajorityAction in Burlington, VT
Matt Humphrey using 3 tools
Technology & Curriculum Manager at CTCNet in Washington, DC
That was easy. -
Matthew Platte using 1 tool
Michael Boudreaux using 14 tools
Project and Content Manger at www.bluelink.net in Sofia, Bulgaria
Michael Lewkowitz using 20 tools
Owner at Igniter Incorporated in London
.: venturing on the frontiers :. -
Michael Maranda using 75 tools
AFCN in Chicago
Michael Stein using 2 tools
Freelance Consultant in Berkeley, California, USA
Michał Mach using 9 tools
CiviCRM in
Michelle Murrain using 83 tools
Independent Consultant at Oakland, CA
Zen and the Art of Getting Your Website Done -
Michelle Shutzer using 19 tools
San Francisco
Miguel Rivas using 0 tools
Mayaguez, PR
Monte Jewell using 13 tools
http://www.openmissoula.org/monte_jewell in Missoula
I haven't had my coffee yet . . . . -
Morgan Sully using 30 tools
Online Community Manager at The National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture in San Francisco
Nahmsath Yabouri using 11 tools
ICT Specialist at Université de Lomé in Lomé, TOGO
nana sa using 2 tools
RF Eng at accra
Nancy White using 49 tools
Chocoqueen at Full Circle Associates in Seattle, Washington, USA
Connection and chocolate -
Noel Hidalgo using 16 tools
Brooklyn, NY, USA
lose your dreams and you will lose your mind. -
Norman Reiss using 40 tools
Manager, Online Services at Crohn's & Colitis Foundation in Tuckahoe, NY
Change is the only certainty -
Nurul Alam Masud using 0 tools
Chief Executive at Participatory Research Action Network-PRAN in Noakhali, Bangladesh
Omar Bickell using 26 tools
Co-founder, web developer and technology strategist at Koumbit.org in Montreal
Empowerment through collective innovation! -
Patricia Perkins using 32 tools
Executive Director at Worlds Touch in High Point, NC, USA
Act Global -
Paul Böhm using 31 tools
Chief Errand Boy at Metalab in Vienna, Austria
Paul Hagen using 2 tools
San Francisco, CA
Pavan Kumar using 20 tools
Student at India
Peter using 0 tools
Security Consultant at Ironcove.net in
Open Source Security solutions for Non-profits and NGO's -
Peter Campbell using 10 tools
Consultant at Techcafeteria.com in Richmond, CA
Peter Schmidbauer using 10 tools
Munich, Germany, EU
Peter Trudelle using 22 tools
Boulder Creek, CA
Phil Klein using 14 tools
dreams to results -
Phillip Smith using 9 tools
Simplifier of Technology at Community Bandwidth in Toronto
Keeping technology simple for progressive non-profits since 2003 -
Priscilla Jere using 0 tools
Executive Director at OneWorld Africa in Lusaka
Rama Krishna using 0 tools
Ramon Bartomeus using 18 tools
Resources Manager at Iwith.org in Barcelona
Ravindra De Silva using 1 tool
Software Engineer at Lanka Software Foundation in Sri Lanka
sahana -
Reginald Saunders using 0 tools
Rainbow Region LETS in Nimbin, Australia
Rich Vázquez, CISA, CISSP using 96 tools
Austin, TX
Rick Cohen using 10 tools
Membership and Technology Specialist at National Council of Nonprofit Associations/Nonprofit Congress in Washington, DC
Rick Ruiz using 11 tools
President at VaultletSoft Inc. in Washington DC
Rob Purdie using 25 tools
Project Management Consultant at Important Projects in London, UK
Project management consulting and training for social change organisations. -
Robert Guerra using 184 tools
Robert Kee using 7 tools
One Legged Kicker at Civic Solutions Network in Malaysia
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. - Mahatma Ghandi -
Robin Millette using 30 tools
doer of stuff at Waglo Labs in Saint-Jacques, Québec, Canada
Let's get ready to rumble! -
Rogelio Umaña using 7 tools
Creative Director/Digital at Tribu in San José, Costa Rica
Musician, Creative, Planner, Wannabe Maven -
Rolf Kleef using 24 tools
freelancer at drostan.org in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
online communication - strategy, development, facilitation -
Ruby Sinreich using 25 tools
Director of New Media Strategy at HASTAC in Chapel Hill, NC
Doing a lot with a little. -
Rudi von Staden using 36 tools
Project Manager at Ungana-Afrika in Pretoria, South Africa
Russell John using 29 tools
IT Consultant at Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ryan Ozimek using 34 tools
Founder at PICnet / Soapbox Engage in Washington, DC
Empowering the missions of non-profits through technology. -
Sanjeev Sharma using 0 tools
Design Jaunt in Bangalore
Sarah Golightly using 1 tool
GoLightly in San Francisco
Thriving Online Communities -
Sarah Kerr using 0 tools
Technical Officer at International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Bellanet in Ottawa, ON, Canada
Sarah Pullman using 9 tools
Sean DeWitt using 0 tools
Project Manager at Fund for the City of New York in New York, NY
Sergey Petrov using 2 tools
Seth Schneider using 55 tools
Communications Director at Transportation and Land Use Coalition in Oakland, California
shae using 1 tool
seattle, wa, usa
Sharron Rush using 0 tools
Executive Director at Knowbility in Austin, Texas
accessibility - because we can -
Shekhar Krishnan using 14 tools
Researcher and Tech Evangelist at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Center for History and New Media (CHNM) and CRIT (Collective Research Initiative in Boston/Cambridge, New York, Mumbai
Simon Pavitt using 12 tools
Headware in Vancouver, BC, Canada
It's not hardware, it's not software, it's headware -
Simos Xenitellis using 28 tools
GNOME Foundation in London, UK
Stacy Kontrabecki using 74 tools
Buckland, Massachusetts, USA
Stephen Spaeth using 8 tools
Harpswell, ME
Leveraging social innovation -
Steve Hanson using 2 tools
Principal Consultant at Cruiskeen Consulting LLC in Menomonie, WI, USA
The Web Made Simple -
Steve Wright using 11 tools
Oakland, CA
Subramanya Sastry using 1 tool
Suzannah Porter using 24 tools
Suzi Grishpul using 20 tools
When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free. -
Thomas Taylor using 4 tools
Consultant & Developer at Slalom LLC in Philadelphia, PA
Tim Bishop using 4 tools
Tim Davies using 16 tools
Director at Practical Participation in Oxford, UK
Timothy DenHerder-Thomas using 0 tools
Student, community organizer, strategist at Macalester Conservation and Renewable Energy Society in St. Paul, MN, USA
The impossible will take a little while -
Tina Arnoldi using 0 tools
Coastal Community Foundation in Charleston, SC
Tobias Eigen using 26 tools
Co-Executive Director at Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa in Bainbridge Island
Tom Brickley using 1 tool
Director of Operations at Media Net Link in San Ramon, CA
Tom Sparks using 4 tools
IT Manager at NPower in Seattle
Tomas Krag using 64 tools
CTO at Refugees United in Copenhagen, Denmark
Happenstance, not circumstance -
tvol using 59 tools
Student at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI
Victor Chavez using 11 tools
Technical Consultant at Stanford University in SF, CA
victor sapar using 47 tools
non-profit technology consultant at philippines
Virak HOR using 0 tools
Developer at Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Will Scarbrough using 42 tools
Yoke May Seow using 11 tools
Education Consultant at Ericsson Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Zac Mutrux using 32 tools
Owner at Sarai in San Francisco, California, USA
Technology guidance, support and management.