Tools by Popularity
Smultron in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxSmultron is a text editor written in Cocoa for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger or later
Knoppix in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxKnoppix is a computer operating system which runs entirely from a CD or DVD drive, without performing an installation process or using the hard drive. Knoppix is a Debian based GNU/Linux distribution LiveCD, developed by GNU/Linux consultant Klaus Knopper
tagged: apc, bootable, bootablecd, debian, distribution, distro, free, freesoftware, Linux, livecd, opensource, operatingsystem -
CiviContribute in 10 toolboxes
add to my toolboxCiviCRM component for online donations
tagged: advocacy, civicrm, consituent, contacts, crm, database, donation, drupal, eadvocacy, ecrm, email, eorganizing, fundraising, joomla, mail, mambo, management, member, newsletter, openngo, opensource, relationship -
kate in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxKDE Default Test Editor with syntax highlighting and other cool stuff
Zoho Projects in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxZoho Projects help teams organize their work & track progress.
MPlayer in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMPlayer is a movie player which runs on many systems (see the documentation). It plays most MPEG/VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Matroska, NUT, NuppelVideo, FLI, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim,
Quantum GIS in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree/Open Source Mapping and GIS Analysis software for Linux, OS X and Windows. Comparable to Manifold or ArcView
5PMWeb in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWeb based project management, task organizer, team collaboration and time tracking software
Network for Good in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxA US-only donation processing service with no monthly fees and no customization.
VoodooPad in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOrganize all your random notes with this easy-to-use local wiki tool. Multiple categories, freelinking, power search -- finally, all your notes in one place, and easy to retrieve. Great for to-do lists, too. For Mac OS 10 plus.
- in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxTranslation service for software developers: easily find translations into many different languages for interface texts used by other software
AMP in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe Activist Mobilization Platform is a CMS bundled with a large number of Activist Tools.
Gallery in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxOpen source web based photo album organizer
Wiktionary in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxWiktionary is a collaborative project to produce a free-content multilingual dictionary. Designed as the lexical companion to Wikipedia, Wiktionary has grown beyond a standard dictionary and now includes a thesaurus, a rhyme guide, phrase books, language statistics and extensive appendices.
tagged: dictionary, FOSS, free, language, localization, mediawiki, memory, open, ott09, source, translation, wiki -
Palm Desktop in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPersonal information manager that works with Palm devices
tagged: addressbook, addresslist, calendar, handheld, memolist, palm, personalinformationmanager, pim, tasklist, todolist -
Chandler in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxChandler is a Note-to-Self Organizer designed for personal and small-group task management and calendaring.
Chandler consists of a desktop application and Chandler Hub, a sharing service and web application. You can also download and install your own Chandler Server.
Chandler is open source and standards-based.
tagged: collaboration, coordination, GTD, list, management, manager, opensource, projectmanagement, schedule, sharing, task, to-do -
FriendFeed in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMashup of RSS feeds for popular sites such as YouTube, flickr, twitter, and yelp.
Privoxy in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPrivoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, modifying web page data, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk.
tagged: add, antispyware, antivirus, blocking, opensource, privacy, protection, proxy, Security, webproxy -
VirtualBox in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxVirtual Box offers a complete solution for running a virtual PC within their host operating system.
AWStats in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxFree open source web site traffic analysis software.
- in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxThe simplest way to brainstorm online.
Sympa in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxMailing list manager
SharePoint in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxServer platform for collaboration, content management, business processes, records management. Supports searches for people, documents, and data, and analysis of large amounts of business data.
OmniOutliner in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxPersonal organization program for Mac OS X.
DimDim in 9 toolboxes
add to my toolboxDimDim was acquired by Salesforce and is no longer working as a standalone tool.
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