Most recent items from Plumi feeds:
Plumi now on Debian Jessie, Ubuntu 16.04 and Centos 7 from Plumi Blog

We are very excited to announce that after much effort, Plumi is now available to install on Debian Jessie, Ubuntu 16.04 (latest stable) and Centos 7. The latest code is available here on Github: Documentation on how to install is available here: Further documentation including an introduction, installation, theming and maintenance guide has […]

over 8 years ago

Ten years of Plumi and looking ahead to 2017 from Plumi Blog

It’s been ten years now since we released our first public version of Plumi with a vision to provide free democratic access to video distribution, and I’m very proud of EngageMedia’s work to sustain the project through many successes and challenges. I’d like to thank the whole team at EngageMedia, and all our visionaries, programmers, […]

over 8 years ago

Debian Jessie Compatibility from Plumi Blog

Core Plumi maintainers are still working towards compatibility with latest Debian release. Assistance welcome! 🙂

about 9 years ago

Looking ahead to Plumi 4.5.2 from Plumi Blog

EngageMedia have been working with Sam Stainsby of Sustainable Software on a 4.5.2 release of Plumi. Our main aims with this release are: update Plumi to install correctly on Debian 8 new external videos feature – the ability to add videos to a Plumi site that are hosted on another service e.g. Youtube or Vimeo […]

almost 10 years ago

Plumi Installation Scripts for CentOS from Plumi Blog

Dennis Ross has contributed these scripts and instructions for installing Plumi on CentOS 6.x x64. Thank you Dennis! Please test these out and write to us at the Plumi discussion list.

over 10 years ago

Plumi Installed Successfully on Free BSD 9.1 from Plumi Blog

Some notes on installing Plumi on FreeBSD 9.1 successfully with the latest buildout notes from These notes were contributed by Jim B from the Plumi discussion list. Thanks Jim! * I did have to make adjustments to site.cfg for getting the FTP stuff running. * I also had to install the py27-virtualenv beforehand. Otherwise, […]

over 10 years ago

Host Plumi on a $10 Month Virtual Server (Setup in Under 20 Minutes) from Plumi Blog

Markos has added instructions for how to host Plumi on a virtual server with a cloud provider which offers a 1GB RAM / 1 CPU / 30GB SSD DISK server ready in less than a minute for $10.00 a month. This setup should be adequate for a small Plumi site (more specs are needed by […]

over 10 years ago

Updated Documentation & Installation Recipe from Plumi Blog

This documentation was created for our Plumi workshop, and contains an introduction to Plumi, installation, setup and configuration PLUS a section on Plumi theming. This was written by Markos Gogoulos of Thanks Markos!

over 10 years ago

Installation on Mint Linux 17 from Plumi Blog

We’re happy to say that Sam Stainsby from Sustainable Software has successfully installed Plumi on Mint Linux. He has contributed his notes, below! Mint Linux 17 (MATE edition) =========================== 1. needed to address (worked, but without using –distribute option) 2. on buildout: “””Error: Buildout now includes ‘buildout-versions’ (and part of the older ‘buildout.dumppickedversions’). Remove […]

over 10 years ago

Plumi Intro & Theming Workshop from Plumi Blog

UPDATE: The workshop has been postponed until 2nd September, applications are still open. Markos Gogoulos of (major developers of Plumi for the last few years) will lead this workshop designed to bring programmers up to speed with the current state of the Plumi app, facilitated by Anna Helme of EngageMedia, who have project managed […]

over 10 years ago