Integrated, web-based, ticketing software designed for the specific needs of the performing arts. Seamless webmatch, etickets, fundraising, marketing, reporting, class registration, meal selection, rule-based pricing. USA and Canada. Organizations which sell between 3k and 80k tickets per year. Affordable. Clients include: Theatres, Venues, Colleges, High Schools, Faith-Based, Dinner Theater.
Was:Integrated, web-based, ticketing software designed for the specific needs of the performing arts. Seamless webmatch, etickets, fundraising, marketing, reporting, class registration, priced for non-profits. USA and Canada, Organizations which sell between 3k and 80k tickets per year.
Integrated, web-based, ticketing software designed for the specific needs of the performing arts. Seamless webmatch, etickets, fundraising, marketing, reporting, class registration, priced for non-profits. USA and Canada, Organizations which sell between 3k and 80k tickets per year.
Was:Unifies ticketing, information management, and marketing for organizations in the United States and Canada which sell between 3,000 and 60,000 tickets per year.