
WebGUI Content Engine

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Most recent items from WebGUI Content Engine feeds:
WebGUI 7.10.30 stable release from WebGUI News

This stable release of WebGUI 7.10.30 has fixes for the Carousel and Asset Report and the Not Found Page.fixed: Do not generate the Not Found page when JS or CSS is requested.  In admin mode, this is bypassed so that admins can see which pages are really missing and can easily add them.fixed: Allow IS NULL/IS NOT NULL queries in the Asset Report.fixed #12461: Carousel fails to initial the rich editor in multiple tabs

about 9 years ago

WebGUI 7.10.29 stable release from WebGUI News

This stable release of WebGUI 7.10.29 has fixes for bugs with emailing groups, the shipping drivers for USPS and a small template fix in the MiniCart template.
- fixed #12454: Email to Group ignores the From field - fixed #12455: USPS Ship driver fails - fixed #12456: style type not declared in the minicart template

over 10 years ago

JT's Blog from WebGUI News

A lot of people have asked me over the years if I had a blog or twitter feed that they could follow, and I’ve always answered with the blog or twitter feed of the various ventures I’m involved with. I’ve decided that it’s high time for me to release my own blog and twitter feed for the things that aren’t appropriate to any of those ventures. 
If you’re interested, you can subscribe to my new blog or my new twitter feed now. 

almost 12 years ago

WebGUI 7.10.28 released from WebGUI News

This stable release of WebGUI 7.10.28 contains fixes for 3 different bugs in Image Asset, Groups and library usage.
fixed: Clearing the caches for groups that don’t exist, but have created group objects.
fixed #12398: WebGUI still uses Clone (missed Spectre code)
fixed #12413: Cropping problem or bug?

about 12 years ago

WebGUI 7.10.27 released from WebGUI News

This stable release of WebGUI 7.10.27 contains fixes for 15 different bugs in the Message Board, click and drag content positioning, UTF-8 handling in the Trash and Clipboard, EMS and the Story Manager.
YUI has been upgraded to 2.9.0 in this release.
TinyMCE has been upgraded to 3.5.6

over 12 years ago

Upgrade problem in the 7.10 series from WebGUI News

A bug has been found in WebGUI when upgrading from 7.9.34 to 7.10.22, 7.10.23 and 7.10.24.  The version history is not correctly updated inside of the database, and this causes all subsequent upgrades to silently be skipped.
Those releases have been pulled from Sourceforge and from Plain Black’s site.  When upgrading from 7.9 to 7.10, please pull a copy of 7.10.25 or higher, as those versions have the correct version being set during the 7.9.34 to 7.10.22 upgrade.
If you have already upgraded, you can check your site using the upgrade script:

perl upgrade.pl –history –doit

will print the entire upgrade history for all WebGUI sites on the current server.  If any of them have “0.0.0” as the last version, then you will need to manually correct this in the database to be “7.10.22”.  Once that is fixed you will need to rerun the upgrade script, and it will correctly install all the subsequent upgrades.

perl upgrade.pl –doit

If your WebGUI site is currently hosted by Plain Black and you have been upgraded to 7.10, then we will contact you and schedule a time for fixing this.

over 12 years ago

Older WebGUI's, new WRE from WebGUI News

If you try to run older version of WebGUI, like 7.6 on the new WRE you’ll find that it’s missing a copy of Net::Subnets.
This module was removed from CPAN, and in WebGUI we replaced it with Net::CIDR::Lite starting in WebGUI 7.8.5
If you’re unable or unwilling to upgrade, then you can find a copy in BackPAN at this URL:
You can install that directly with cpanm:
cpanm http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/S/SR/SRI/Net-Subnets-0.21.tar.gz

over 12 years ago

WRE 0.9.4 released from WebGUI News

This new version of the WRE contains updated versions of all the binary utilites (Apache, MySQL, perl and ImageMagick) and all perl modules for WebGUI 7.10.
You can read about the full details in the changelog.txt file in the docs directory.
When you upgrade to WRE 0.9.4, be sure to read the upgrade instructions in upgrade.txt very carefully.

over 12 years ago

WebGUI 7.10.26 released from WebGUI News

This stable release of WebGUI 7.10.26 contains fixes for two different bugs in how the Wiki handles quotes and other special characters, and a rare bug about how missing templates are handled for operations.
Bug Fixes
 fixed: Template diagnostics when called without a session asset.
 fixed: #12378 Wiki search does not work with some metacharacters

over 12 years ago

WebGUI 7.10.25 released from WebGUI News

This stable release of WebGUI 7.10.25 contains fixes for 27 different bugs in the Search asset, Friends, Calendar, Groups, Cache, HttpProxy, Shop, DataForm, Exporting as HTML, Asset Report, file privileges in uploads, and several parts of the API.
Due to bugs at SourceForge, this release will not be immediately available from there.  You can download it from webgui.org.
    * Custom WebGUI plugins written using WebGUI::Crud with hand built form should be reviewed.  A serious bug in how Crud handles forms has been fixed, and the side-effect of the bug is now that forms processed by updateFromFormPost must include ALL fields, otherwise the data in fields which are missing from the form will be lost.
Bug Fixes
 - fixed: #12373: Asset::Wobject::Search::view() so HTML highlite not broken by search phrase with unmatched char pairs
 - fixed: if user1 adds user2 as a friend, user2 doesn’t see user1 as a friend
 - fixed: data sync bug in WebGUI::User::friends
 - added: give WebGUI::PseudoRequest a hostname method
 - fixed: don’t clobber the request handler if WebGUI::Test was loaded inside of mod_perl
 - fixed #12365: editing a metadata may cause a fatal error (Arjan Widlak / United Knowledge)
 - fixed #12346: toVersion in upgrade_7.9.34-7.10.22.pl was “0.0.0”
 - fixed #12010 related link duplication where links have group view restrictions
 - fixed #12297: keywords.form missing from Post template help
 - fixed #12321: Error while deleting a group.
 - fixed #12322: Cache/CHI stomps on the config file
 - fixed #12327: HttpProxy does not clean up cookie jar storage locations
 - fixed #12329: FlatDiscount Sku forces you to enter in negative numbers for price
 - fixed #12334: Company name with : in it breaks email sender identity
 - fixed #12328: invalid wgaccess file in uploads
 - RFE: 9730 (actually missing documentation)
 - fixed: Crud updateFromFormPost
 - fixed: encryptLogin and sslEnabled both need to be true
 - fixed: Cache’s setByHTTP method returns content, even when it gets an error in the request.  This gives the SC asset fits.
 - fixed #12349: Friends invitation error
 - fixed #12353: Dataform List mode
 - fixed #12364: Site export loses session info
 - fixed #12345: tickets in trash still show up
 - fixed #12305: dbSlave breaks WebGUI when not able to connect
 - fixed: Http Proxy assets with no URL to proxy cannot be deleted.
 - fixed: Friends request messages that no longer exist throw a warning.
 - fixed: Asset Report asset can search for all wobjects in addition to all assets.
 - fixed #12375: Gateway URL ignored for password recovery

over 12 years ago

I want my sitemap.xml! from WebGUI News

Way back in 2008, a new feature was added to WebGUI 7.6 for automatically creating Google site maps.  People had been making them with Navigations and Colloaboration Systems and other ways, so it seemed like a good idea to make people’s lives easier.
It works very simply.  If you append “/sitemap.xml” to any URL, then WebGUI will return a correctly formatted XML sitemap for that Assets, and all descendants below it.  Since it’s automatically generated, it never needs to be maintained by an Admin.
However, it broke a long standing WebGUI tradition of allowing users to choose URLs.  Also, it doesn’t allow you to create custom sitemaps that omit pages that are visible to Everyone on the site from the sitemap.
If you fall into either of those cases, you have a couple of options.  The sitemap is generated by a Content Handler called WebGUI::Content::SiteIndex.  If you edit your WebGUI configuration file, and look in the contentHandlers entry, you can either remove it (which will stop all automatic sitemap generation) or you can change the order of the content handlers and place it after (below) the content handler for WebGUI::Content::Asset.  The former option allows you to have custom and automatic sitemaps, as a sitemap would only be generated if one does not exist at the requested URL.

over 12 years ago

Admin tip, install modules using cpanm from WebGUI News

cpanm is a great addition to your perl toolbox.  It makes installing new modules very, very easy.   I’ve known about it for a while, but never really needed it until I tried to install a module that was created with a BSD tar, instead of GNU tar.  cpan would die during the tar extraction stage, but cpanm just ignored the error about unknown inodes and installed the module right away.
If you’d like to use cpanm to install all the modules required when upgrading WebGUI, you can invoke this:

perl testEnvironment.pl –simpleReport | ack ‘Not Install’ | perl -ane 'print $F[3]. “ ”’ | perl -pe ’s/: / /g’ | cpanm

To update any modules which require newer versions:

perl testEnvironment.pl –simpleReport | ack 'Outdated’ | perl -ane 'print $F[3]. “ ”’ | perl -pe ’s/: / /g’ | cpanm

ack is a pure-perl replacement for grep, so if you want to do install and upgrade at the same time all you need to do is change the regexp.

about 13 years ago

Source from WebGUI News


about 13 years ago

Using WebGUI 8 before it's released... from WebGUI News

If you are looking for a dead stable, slow moving branch of WebGUI to use for your website, WebGUI 8.0 is not for you.  We will be pouring features into it.  If you need stable, then please use WebGUI 7.10, which will only ever have bug-fixes applied to it.  If you need absolutely stable, then use WebGUI 7.9, which will never have releases again.
As has been for the last several months, all of our work is in getting the hosting infrastructure set up for WebGUI 8, so that Plain Black’s websites can be moved over to it.  The last element of that is the demo server, and we’re debugging it now.
Another part of that hosting infrastructure is Task::WebGUI, a new cpan module that will setup and install all of WebGUI’s perl module dependencies for you.  If you choose a source install, then a simple:
cpanm Task::WebGUI
will install everything for you.  However, the version on CPAN is currently minorly out of date.  If you install it today, then you will not get every module needed for WebGUI 8.  After the demo system is working, then Task::WebGUI will be updated.

about 13 years ago

Major milestone: branching from WebGUI News

We keep inching closer to making the 8.0 beta release.  Today was a major milestone in that we created the webgui-7.10 branch, and merged in all the WebGUI code in the master branch of our git repository.
For those of you with git access, please note that from this point onward, any bugfixing in 7.10 will need to hand ported over to the master branch with WebGUI 8 code.  Pay careful attention to the API changes in docs/migration.txt, and the new upgrade script style.

about 13 years ago