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Welcome Education Generation to our Community of Action Sources! from My Social Actions

Today, we're excited to announce a new action source has joined the Social Actions API, an open database of opportunities to make a difference. For a full list and profiles of the latest innovators contributing to Social Actions, please see Our Guide to 60+ Action Sources.
New Action Source:…

over 13 years ago

Smyrna Development Society in Bangladesh Needs Your Help from My Social Actions

Smyrna Development Society works with lower income residents of Bangladesh, an impoverished Asian nation with a population of 162 million and a per capita income of USD 1,700 a year.   Founded in 2002, they opened an orphanage in 2007 to serve the poor, especially abused children.   Smyrna Development Society will apply funds donated expressly for insurance by purchasing health coverage for a child at the cost  of USD 8 a year.  This gives the recipients access to better health care and…

over 13 years ago

Help with a local youth project! from My Social Actions

I'm starting a site for youth where youth who are interested in social activism and community change can connect and share their work, connect with other youths and get inspired by their peers! It is a website that will feature news articles, opportunities in the community, and a database of resources/tools to help them get started, it will also contain a forum where individual can obtain an account and post information.
However, I'm relatively weak with the web/web design…

over 13 years ago

The Key to Unlocking the Benefits of Corporate Volunteering from My Social Actions

Skills-based volunteering vs. general volunteering: When it comes to long-term impacts, skills-based will win every time. So why am I still an advocate for general volunteering? Read on and join the conversation. You can comment at the bottom of the page or contact me at chrisjarvis@realizedworth.com.


over 13 years ago

CSR Minute: Global Reporting Initiative Releases Sustainability Report; UPS Flies Food Relief to Africa from My Social Actions

Cross post from 3BLMedia.
The Global Reporting Initiative has released a sustainability report that outlines the organization’s performance, achievements, and goals. GRI produces the Sustainability Reporting Framework that sets out the principles and indicators that can be used to measure and report economic, environmental,…

over 13 years ago

Update about Social Actions’ Integration with GuideStar from My Social Actions

August 10, 2011
Over the past few months, Deyan and I have had the honor and privilege of working with Peter and Christine to learn about Social Actions in great detail. In this first phase or our work: understanding and assessing Social Actions (see Social Actions Overview image below for a map of the Social Actions landscape), our goal was two-fold: 1. to learn everything about the technical components of Social Actions and assess the technology’s capabilities and…

over 13 years ago

Platforms to support the entire world of causes may be the next big trend in cause-related marketing from My Social Actions

The potential of brands to align with the "cause" of America's independent sector is just beginning to be tapped. A new program from Johnson & Johnson is a great illustration of how brands can go beyond single-cause alignment to build an platform to support the work of 1.4 million nonprofits.…

over 13 years ago

The Business Case for Employee Volunteering - Case #2 from My Social Actions

CASE #2 - Better Talent


Many companies have employee volunteer programs, but for many companies in Europe, Canada and the US these programs are underfunded, underdeveloped…

over 13 years ago

Ernst & Young LLP sends volunteers on Earthwatch Expeditions to Brazil and Costa Rica from My Social Actions

To learn more about Ernst & Young’s Earthwatch expeditions and view a video recap of the 2010 expedition, go to:  http://www.ey.com/US/en/About-us/Corporate-Responsibility/CR---Environmental-sustainability
Click on Earthwatch Institute and then click on the "watch this video" link. …

over 13 years ago

One of our Action Sources has Re-Launched: Pincgiving is now Global Currents from My Social Actions

We're excited to announce today that Pincgiving has relaunched its work and is now called Global Currents! 

In Global Currents' words: As the leader in providing cost-effective, online donation…

over 13 years ago

Social Actions Adds Four Action Sources: Devex, GiveForward, Help from Home, and Sparked from My Social Actions

Today, we're excited to announce four action sources have joined the Social Actions API, an open database of opportunities to make a difference. For a full list and profiles of the latest innovators contributing to Social Actions, please see Our Guide to 60+ Action Sources. …

over 13 years ago

Social Media for Nonprofits Conference in DC 7/14/11 from My Social Actions

By way of our friends at Social Media for Nonprofits: 
Save $20 off the Social Media for Nonprofits 7/14 DC conference w/ "SA" code, featuring tips & tools from Natl Geographic's Robert Michael Murray, the Red Cross' Wendy Harman, Network for Good's Katya Andresen, Facebook Causes, Greenpeace, Case Foundation & more, all followed by the book release party for @nonprofits101. http://bit.ly/ke9YCV

over 13 years ago

New survey from Deloitte finds that Millennials seek career benefits from volunteerism efforts from My Social Actions

Millennials have often been described as the most civic-minded generation to come along since World War II. Yet, while these young…

almost 14 years ago

New "Social Media for Nonprofits" Conferences--Discount from My Social Actions

A new conference series, Social Media for Nonprofits, is about to start this summer. NTEN (the Nonprofit Technology Network) is fiscally sponsoring the series.
As part of our Social Actions community, you can get $20 off Social Media for Nonprofits conferences with "SA" discount code in San Francisco (6/29), Washington, DC (7/14), New York City (8/4), Los Angeles (8/22), Seattle (10/14), Chicago & Atlanta. Keynotes by Beth Kanter,…

almost 14 years ago