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Most recent items from Propelr feeds:
Questionnaire results are in... from Official Propelr feed

We would like to thank everyone for their feedback on our questionnaire. We have had a phenomenal response with everything from rage to rapture.

One of the main concerns raised, was the plan prices in relation to the number of projects/contexts/actions. We would like to stress that these are not final plans and prices. We are formulating a new series of plans significantly different from those in the questionnaire – due in part to all the fantastic feedback we have received. A rough outline of these plans will mailed to those on our mailing list in due course.

If you have not yet done so, please click here to complete the questionnaire.

Thanks again for taking the time to give us your feedback. We feel that it is an integral part of delivering a product that meets the needs of both experienced GTD’ers and those starting out in GTD, as well as those wanting to collaborate on projects with team members and clients.

over 17 years ago

Busy busy busy! from Official Propelr feed

We have received a number of emails and comments asking when Propel’r will be ready. I felt this deserved a blog post to explain our current situation.

Let me explain…

We were primarily a service based company when the teaser site was launched. Both the initial and continued interest, and support has been phenomenal and well beyond our expectations.

Being a well established web application development company, we have a loyalty to our existing clients and have also been inundated with additional consultancy work. This is necessary to help us fund the development of products such as Propel’r. We have also turned down recent projects to allow us to commit more time to Propel’r.

Propel’r is still very important to us and we thank you for your patience. Although we cannot give any specific release dates at present, Propel’r is still under active development and we will be posting any updates as soon as we can.

As a side-note, we are looking for additional developers to help assist in the service based side of SonicIQ Ltd. and free up current developers to work full-time on Propel’r. If you are a highly motivated developer and can see yourself in a Ruby on Rails position (XHTML, CSS, Javascript and Design skills would be a clear advantage) in sunny Bournemouth, UK then please email your CV to: jobs [at] soniciq [dot] com.

over 17 years ago

An invite to voice your requirements. from Official Propelr feed

We’ve had a phenomenal response since the initial announcement of the teaser site last week. Thanks to everyone who has registered their interest.

We would like to give you the chance to voice your opinions on what features your ideal GTD/project management app would have, how do you work with GTD and what are the shortfalls of existing tools?

Fire away!

over 17 years ago

First sneak peak at the Propel'r interface from Official Propelr feed

We thought it was about time we gave a peek at what can be expected from the Propel’r interface.

Under the ‘Collect’ tab, there are multiple ways of collecting your data. Initially this will be via ‘Quick Collect’ notes and uploads, however we are planning on implementing collection from POP3 accounts, RSS and other standard formats.

The close up shows how we have broken the navigation down into the five key GTD areas, ‘Collect’, ‘Process’, ‘Organize’, ‘Review’ and ‘Do’:

We will keep you updated with any new developments. In the meantime, comments are most welcome.

almost 18 years ago

Launch of Propel'r teaser site from Official Propelr feed

We’ve been extremely busy at SonicIQ over the past months working on what we believe to be the ultimate web based GTD productivity application. It’s been hush-hush for a while now, but today we’ve launched the teaser site to gauge initial interest.

As most great applications do these days, Propel’r has grown out of a need. In this case, the need for a web based application built on GTD (Getting Things Done) principles, that should also allow you to work in teams on client projects.

In our case, we needed to be able to manage multiple client projects, deadlines, resources and time all with GTD in mind. We also needed a way to receive and manage client requests, which would ultimately become projects themselves.

We are very excited about the application and would urge anyone interested in GTD, enhancing their productivity, managing client projects or simply freeing up their minds for other things to register their interest at propelr.com.

Stay tuned for further developments.

almost 18 years ago

Progress report from Official Propelr feed

Firstly we would like to thank everyone for registering their interest, we have had an amazing response. Also thanks to all who have left feature requests at An invite to voice your requirements.

We were initially aiming for a beta release in the first quarter of ‘07 however due to our extremely high workload and the sheer amount of interest, we are going to push back the release date as we want to ensure that the initial release is as polished as it can possibly be. Therefore, we are now looking at an initial release of Summer ‘07.

Please keep an eye on the blog as we will soon be releasing a list of features that will make it into the initial release.

We thank you for your patience and continued support.

almost 18 years ago

A Grand Day Out from Official Propelr feed

A couple of us at SonicIQ took a day out of our busy schedule to attend the first Ruby on Rails eXchange in London hosted by Skills Matter.

I have a brief summary of the day on thelucid.com.

almost 18 years ago

Still alive! - A status update from Official Propelr feed

Firstly, apologies for the long delay between posts and thanks for all the comments we have had so far.

We are still aiming for a summer beta launch (albeit late summer) and can finally reveal a few of the features that should make it in to the initial beta:

Elegant, clean interface
Single and multi user options
General GTD processes including the assignment of actions to contexts and projects etc.
Ticketing system for clients which can then be processed into projects/actions
Multi-views of projects/contexts/actions e.g. next action for each project/context, complete project etc.
Post-dated projects that only appear when they need to be processed
Inbox/collection pool for collection data/tickets for processing
Mobile access via any web enabled device
Text scaling for easy viewing of lists
Calendar with iCal feed support on context or project basis
Client/contact lists which can be attached to projects
Inbox/ticket attachments
Global text search
Templated projects for common action lists
RSS feeds
Unobtrusive Ajax enhancements
Print-friendy style sheets allowing paper syncing
Toggle between an actions context or project
Quick action creation without over-complex forms
Start and due dates for both projects and actions
Easy reordering of actions
Keyboard shortcuts
Recurring projects/actions
Project and action reminders

Please keep the features/requirements comments coming as it is helping us to build a clear picture of the most important features.

almost 18 years ago