Most recent items from OpenGoo feeds:
OpenGoo is now Feng Office from Open Goo Blog

Today we will officially start the rebranding of the OpenGoo software as Feng Office Collaboration Platform. There are some mixed feelings to the rebranding, as we have grown fond of the ugly name. But there are stronger reasons in favor of doing the change. This post attempts to give light on a few of the [...]

over 15 years ago

OpenGoo 1.6 final released! from Open Goo Blog

Download here. This release has been thoroughly tested by developers and the community for over a month. The new features include: Archive objects and workspaces. When you no longer need an object or workspace you can archive it to remove it from your every day views, while it still is searchable and accessible through the [...]

over 15 years ago

OpenGoo 1.6 RC released from Open Goo Blog

Warning: This version is not suitable for production environments. A new release of OpenGoo 1.6 is out. RC fixes some bugs from version 1.6 BETA 3. For details check here. Download here.

over 15 years ago

OpenGoo 1.6 BETA 3 released from Open Goo Blog

Warning: This version is not suitable for production environments. A new release of OpenGoo 1.6 is out. BETA 3 fixes some bugs from version 1.6 BETA. For details check here. Download here. Enjoy!

over 15 years ago

OpenGoo 1.6 BETA 2 released from Open Goo Blog

Warning: This version is not suitable for production environments. A new release of OpenGoo 1.6 is out. BETA 2 fixes some bugs from version 1.6 BETA. For details check here. Download here. Enjoy!

over 15 years ago

OpenGoo 1.6 BETA released from Open Goo Blog

Warning: This version is not suitable for production environments. Download. This is the first beta release towards version 1.6 final. The most important changes for this version are: Archive objects and workspaces. When you no longer need an object or workspace you can archive it to remove it from your every day views, while it [...]

over 15 years ago

What is the Feng Office team doing? from Open Goo Blog

…Or getting more communicative, step 2. The OpenGoo/Feng Office team has been always focused on one main goal: Building the best Online Office Now, trying to achieve this goal we realized: 1. We have to figure out what ‘Online Office’ means. 1.1 In order to make the “best”, one needs to know the “what”, right? [...]

over 15 years ago

Feng Office Team visits Madrid from Open Goo Blog

Great news for our OpengGoo Community and Feng Office users in Madrid: November 10 to 13 our team will be there to seek partners interested in working with us. We´ll be glad to know you and talk about whatever you want: Ideas | How to become our partner | New Features If you are interested, [...]

over 15 years ago

Getting more communicative, step one from Open Goo Blog

It’s been a while since my last ramble at this blog. I intended to do a long post about my month-long trip to Europe and the US, but as time passed, it seemed increasingly out of time. At least I did write about it on my ‘geek blog’. Then I wanted to post this beautiful [...]

over 15 years ago

OpenGoo 1.5.1 is now available! from Open Goo Blog

Download OpenGoo 1.5.1 now. OpenGoo 1.5.1 has just been released. Several bugs from version 1.5 were fixed for this release, including: Tags permissions. Now a user can only see tags applied to objects that the user can view. Some milestones were showing in wrong workspaces. Custom properties defined in Administration are now searchable. Memory exhausted [...]

over 15 years ago