Most recent items from Collabtive feeds:
Plugins: Mobile Web App for Collabtive 1.1 from Collabtive Project Feed

Those Collabtive users who

updated from Collabtive 1.0 to Collabtive 1.1, and
use our commercial plugin “Collabtive Mobile Web App”

need to update this plugin. We provide this update free of charge.
Updating the Mobile Web App Plugin

First make sure that you have updated to Collabtive 1.1.
Next you need to re-install your plugin package from the original archive.

After that [...]

over 11 years ago

Plugins: English Translation for Collabtive 1.1 from Collabtive Project Feed

Those Collabtive users who

updated from Collabtive 1.0 to Collabtive 1.1, and
use one or more of our commercial plugins, and
speak English

need to update their language file.
Updating the Language File

First make sure that you have updated to Collabtive 1.1.
Next you need to re-install your plugin package from the original archive.

After that you are ready to apply the [...]

over 11 years ago

Collabtive 1.1 released from Collabtive Project Feed

Today we announce the release of Collabtive 1.1.
Collabtive 1.1 contains more than 20 bugfixes and minor corrections.
It also updates several core components like Smarty and TCPDF to their newest version and makes Collabtive fully compatible with PHP 5.5
Several security fixes
Along with the usual assortment of normal bugfixes, Collabtive 1.1 also fixes 3 security bugs.
It is [...]

over 11 years ago

Collabtive Mobile Web App from Collabtive Project Feed

It is with great pleasure that we announce the availability of the Collabtive Mobile Web App.
It enables you to use Collabtive on mobile devices like tablets and smart phones.
Web App
The mobile web app comes as a plugin for Collabtive. Once installed on your web server, it allows Collabtive to serve mobile devices with a mobile-friendly [...]

almost 12 years ago

Veröffentlichung von Collabtive 1.0 from Collabtive Project Feed

Heute verkünden wir stolz und glücklich das Release von Collabtive 1.0!
Collabtive 1.0 ist die Kulmination von 5 Jahren intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit.
Mit mehr als 60 Verbesserungen ist dies unser bislang umfangreichstes und bestes Release.
Für Collabtive 1.0 haben wir alle bekannten Fehler behoben, die Datenbankzugriffstruktur komplett überarbeitet und viele neue Funktionen hinzugefügt.

Überarbeiteter Datenbankzugriff
Für die Umstellung des Datenbankzugriffs auf [...]

almost 12 years ago

Collabtive 1.0 released from Collabtive Project Feed

Today we are very proud to announce the release of Collabtive 1.0!
Collabtive 1.0 marks the culmination of 5 years of development.
With more than 60 improvements, it is our biggest and best release ever.
With Collabtive 1.0 we have fixed all known bugs, overhauled the database access layer and added lots of new features.
Overhauled database access
In a [...]

almost 12 years ago

Collabtive 0.7.6 released from Collabtive Project Feed

Today we announce the release of Collabtive 0.7.6.
It is the last release in the 0.7 series. It brings some new functionality, as well as bugfixes and security improvements.
Security improvements

Removed the openID login code since it has not been functional for quite some time, and was based on a terribly outdated library. This posed a possible [...]

over 12 years ago

New plugin released: Comments for tasks from Collabtive Project Feed

Today we announce the availability of a new plugin for Collabtive: Comments for tasks !
It allows you to add comments to any task, and displays them in the tasklist and single task view.
The plugin can now be purchased on our Plugins Page.
Watch a video showing the functionality here:

almost 13 years ago

Roadmap for Collabtive 0.7.6 from Collabtive Project Feed

We have often been asked for a roadmap detailing the next development steps of Collabtive.
In the future i will therefore publish the roadmap for the next Collabtive release once it has been finalized.
Our development process works like this:

Gather Bugreport
Decide which new features should be in the next release
Fix bugs and implement features
Release new version

We have [...]

almost 13 years ago

New plugin released: Automatic Timetracker from Collabtive Project Feed

Today we have released a new plugin for Collabtive: Automatic Timetracker.
Automatic Timetracker adds a timetracker widget to your Collabtive installation.
The widget will open automatically when you log in to Collabtive.
It allows you to select the task you are working on, click “start time tracker” when you start working and “stop timetracker” when you’re done - [...]

about 13 years ago

Collabtive 0.7.5 ist da from Collabtive Project Feed

Ab sofort steht Collabtive 0.7.5. zum Download bereit.
Inhaltlich liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Bugfixes, von denen es über 20 gibt.
Daneben gibt es einige kleine Verbesserungen und auch ein paar neue Funktionen.
Verbesserte Datumsformatierung
Für den Datumswähler gibt es in Collabtive 0.7.5 eine neue Formatierungsmethode, durch welche das verwendete Datumsformat weitaus flexibler wird.
Diese Anpassung kann man unter Verwaltung -> [...]

about 13 years ago

Collabtive 0.7.5 released from Collabtive Project Feed

Today we announce the availabilty of Collabtive 0.7.5!
Collabtive 0.7.5 is mainly a bugfix and maintenance release. It brings more than 20 Bugfixes and smaller improvements.
It also contains some new functionality.
Improved date formatting
Collabtive 0.7.5 has a newly implemented formatting routine for the datepicker.
This makes much better configurability of date formats possible.
The date format can be configured [...]

about 13 years ago

Collabtive 0.7 rilasciato from Collabtive Project Feed

Siamo fieri di annunciare la disponibilità di Collabtive 0.7
Collabtive 0.7 è l’aggiornamento più grande fatto a Collabtive
Esso comprende più di 50 modifiche, alcune importanti altre di minor rilievo.
Questa costituisce il maggiore aggiornamento con modifiche mai fatto fino ad oggi.
Collabtive 0.7 prevede il miglioramento di alcune caratteristiche, il miglioramento della sicurezza unitamente all’eliminazione di numerosi bugs.
Nuovo [...]

over 13 years ago

Collabtive 0.7 est disponible (version majeure) from Collabtive Project Feed

Aujourd’hui, nous annonçons la disponibilité de Collabtive 0.7
Collabtive 0.7 est une mise à jour majeure de Collabtive.
Cette version comporte plus de 50 changements, mineurs et majeurs.
C’est la plus importante mise à jour de Collabtive comprenant le plus de changements que nous avons jamais fait dans un communiqué.
Collabtive 0.7 contient plusieurs améliorations majeures concernant la sécurité [...]

over 13 years ago

Endlich: Collabtive 0.7 ist da! from Collabtive Project Feed

Endlich ist Collabtive 0.7 fertig und steht zum Download bereit.
Bei der neuen Version handelt es sich um ein großes Update in der Collabtive-Reihe.
Das Update hat über 50 Änderungen, sowohl große als auch kleine.
Damit handelt es sich um das größte Update von Collabtive, das je da gewesen ist.
Was bringt Collabtive 0.7? Vor allem einige Erweiterungen des [...]

over 13 years ago