A freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
Was:A freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
Cyberduck is an open source FTP and SFTP client for Mac OS X. Cyberduck is easy to use and includes features such as uploading and downloading by drag and drop. It can also synchronise files and directories. Cyberduck includes a bookmark manager and supports the Mac OS X Keychain and Bonjour networking
Was:Cyberduck is an open source FTP and SFTP client for Mac OS X. Cyberduck is easy to use and includes features such as uploading and downloading by drag and drop. It can also synchronise files and directories. Cyberduck includes a bookmark manager and supports the Mac OS X Keychain and Bonjour networking.
Firefox is the popular open source web browser from Mozilla
Was:Popular open source web browser from Mozilla
The ultimate in-browser code-monkeying and debugging utility. An undeniable reason to switch to Firefox. Installs as a toolbar in the browser.
Was:The ultimate in-browser code-monkeying and debugging utility. An undeniable reason to switch to Firefox.
Cyberduck is an open source FTP and SFTP client for Mac OS X. Cyberduck is easy to use and includes features such as uploading and downloading by drag and drop. It can also synchronise files and directories. Cyberduck includes a bookmark manager and supports the Mac OS X Keychain and Bonjour networking.
Was:ftp client for Mac OS X
The ultimate in-browser code-monkeying and debugging utility. An undeniable reason to switch to Firefox.
Was:The ultimate in-browser code-monkeying and debugging utility. An undeniable reason to switched to Firefox.
The abbreviation MAMP stands for: Macintosh, Apache, Mysql and PHP. This is a standalone installer that will install Apache, mySQL and PHP on Mac OSX without interfereing with the existing OSX Apache installation. Run web-based services locally or use it to create a testing environment that mirrors a public web server.
Was:The abbreviation MAMP stands for: Macintosh, Apache, Mysql and PHP.
Popular open source web browser from Mozilla
Was:Open source web browser from Mozilla
Open source web browser from Mozilla
Was:The open source web browser