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New Stats at Ohloh: GetPaid now over 25k LOC from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Just a quick note to let you know I refreshed our Ohloh.net listing. A broken link had kept the code from getting re-scanned for about six months, so existing packages were out of date. Additionally, there were over 10 enlistments to add (and somehow Products.PloneGetPaid got left off last time...oops, sorry!!). We've got several new payment processors as well as the add on tools, which are now included in the Ohloh enlistments. So, now we're reported as having over 25,000 lines of code! Check it out at http://www.ohloh.net/p/GetPaid  (by the way, if you see any problems with the enlistments, please let me know)Also, this updates our contributor stats so we can see our recent biggest contributers, like Rob, Mikko, and Taito. Have a look at the contributors list. And thanks to all our contributors!! If you haven't already, you can add yourself to the map there!

over 15 years ago

Seeking Advice for Making Better Forms from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

If you haven't been following the great insights posted by Brandon Rhodes on the GetPaid mailing list, there is some quality analysis going on for GetPaid at the moment. Brandon started off seeking to improve handling offsite payment processing and has found some other opportunities to improve Getpaid's checkout wizard. In exploring this, he's seeking advice! Here's an excerpt from his blog post:

I would like some advice from Zope and Plone folks
about how to create forms
that are not only easy for other developers to specialize,
but which allow several specializations to be composed together.
While I have used zope.formlib and z3c.form before
for simple tasks,
I have not yet been able to tell
whether they support these more advanced kinds of operations.

If you have any ideas, please head over to his blog post to leave some ideas. Thanks!

over 15 years ago

GetPaid Google Summer of Code Project Launches from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

GetPaid is a unique project as a Google Summer of Code project, as the team is all located in the same city (Atlanta, GA, which, fyi, is host of the 2010 PyCon!). This past week, we kicked off the project with Derek Richardson (student), Brandon Rhodes (mentor) and Chris Johnson ("client", GetPaid community) with a meeting at ifPeople's offices. The goal of the project is to refactor the GetPaid Checkout Wizard to allow for a more integrated experience when using offsite payment processing.
At the meeting we went through the challenges that created the need for the project, with specific examples, and compiled a list of references for the project (all of which is documented on the wiki page for this project). One of the most important accomplishments for me was clarifying the user stories for the GSoC project. What we came up with top priorities to start with is:
As a site owner, I want to set a payment processor that has my customers enter all their info and credit card information directly on the payment processor's website.As a site owner, I want to capture customer info on my site and then have customer enter credit card info on payment processor's websiteAs a site owner, I configure how my payment processor should work (all onsite, all offsite, mixed) 
With greater pluggability of the checkout process, we hope that site owners will be able to configure the payment processor integration how they choose, with combinations of options for doing it all on site, all off site, or a mixed solution.
The next step is that Derek is coming up with 2-3 options for solving these use cases. We'll be discussing that via the mailing list (as well as ongoing updates to the project), so if you have comments, feedback, ideas or a desire to participate, please let us know on the mailing list! Look for the first update on the plans in a week's time.

almost 16 years ago

GetPaid Around the World for World Plone Day from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

As a sign of how important the role of ecommerce is to creating a complete CMS offering these days, this year's World Plone Day included features of the GetPaid product for Plone. Though there may have been more, 2 places I know it was mentioned include:
Brazil: Luciano Pacheco presented a session "Using GetPaid" in Sao Paulo.Ukraine: Olha Pelishok gave a presentation on ecommerce in Plone and an extensive overview of GetPaid. Her slides (in English) and video (in Ukrainian) are available online here: http://www.plug.org.ua/video/ecommerce/view
If your WPD event also mentioned GetPaid, please let us know via our contact form.

almost 16 years ago

GetPaid Green Light for GSoC! from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

The work proposed by Derek Richardson to refactor the GetPaid checkout wizard was accepted as a project for the Plone Foundation's Google Summer of Code! Brandon Rhodes will be mentoring Derek throughout the hot, humid Atlanta summer. By the end, we hope life for developers using GetPaid will be easier. So far we have 3 main user stories for the refactoring:
As a developer, I want to add a field to the checkout wizard As a site owner, I want my customers to enter in credit card information directly on the payment processor's website As a site owner, I want to configure my payment processor settings to use on-site or off-site entry of credit card information
Read more of the proposal here. We will be posting progress to this blog during the project.Congrats to Brandon and Derek! Thanks to you all and all the Plone mentors and students for helping the Plone and GetPaid communities! Special thanks also to Google for investing over $35,000 in Plone this year!  For more on GSoC and other Plone projects click here.

almost 16 years ago

GetPaid proposed for GSoC Project from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Plone was accepted again as a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code, where Google pays students to code in open source projects. Now the challenge is getting good proposals from students - and the deadline is April 3 at 19:00 UTC!
GetPaid is one of the proposed project for the GSoC. In particulare, work is proposed to refactor the checkout wizard to make it more flexible to developers and more accomodating to off-site payments (ie enter your credit card details directly on the payment processor's site).
This is a very important part of the development of GetPaid, and paves the way to a new major version and eventually a 1.0! If you are a mentor, we hope you will review the proposal and add notes.
Taking advantage of the time leading up to when GSoC coding starts, we will be working to refine the requirements and get feedback from the GetPaid community.
If you have comments or ideas, please share on our mailing list!  If you want to apply as a student, check out this note.

almost 16 years ago

General Update on last 3 Months of GetPaid from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

The last three months have been a bit of a blur. One of the things that has fallen off my plate was updating the GetPaid blog. So, here's a roundup of news from GetPaid:
The preferred means of consumption is the recipe! Tarballs are soooo Plone 2! (nothing against tarballs, actually, just no one is packaging them - if you want to lend a hand let us know via the mailing list). So while there aren't any new tarballs about since the 0.6.2 version, GetPaid has actually advanced to 0.7.5 and just reached rev2400! The recipe itself is at version 1.4.1 thanks to the continued efforts of the marvellous Lucie Lejard (aka La Reina de la Receta). Here's some of the changes to look out for:Payment processors: Payflopro is now a supported payment processor (larubbio)! ClickandBuy is also supported (olauzanne)! Pagseguro (Brazilian processor) is also in the works (rafaelcrocha) as well as VCS South Africa (hannesc). Ogone, PayPal, and Authorize.net all got an updates.PloneFormGen integration: after the demise of the former mercurial repository where this product was hosted, the action adapter to integrate GetPaid with PloneFormGen was migrated into the GetPaid repository (mcgruff.scruff).Variable donations amount: GetPaid now natively supports variable donations amounts that can be added to your cart (larubbio)Salesforce.com Integration: There is a new prodcut, Products.SalesforceGetPaidAdapter. It subclasses from the current Products.salesforcepfgadapter and allows
you to specify what fields in your form, and in getpaids order get
saved to salesforce when the order's finance workflow moves to CHARGED.(larubbio)More goodies: The cart now allows annotations (larubbio), checkout checks for site root to get store settings (lucielejard), discount details are reflected on the thank you page (flejard)
How to use the PloneFormGen integration (download PDF)Features page got light update. Creating Content Types That Are Buyable, Shippable or Donations (dunny, copied from Products.PloneGetPaid documentation to web)How do I set up buildout for an existing Plone site with the getpaid recipe? (lucielejard)How to tie actions to payments (A brief explanation on how to tie workflow transitions, mailing, etcetera to a payment happening in getpaid) (perrito)
Collecting data on this has been a bit thin lately, even though several people have shared information about sites in the works. One that did launch with GetPaid just today is the York College/City University of New York. If you have additional sites that are live with GetPaid, please let us know via the mailing list!
Mailing list: 163 peoplePlanning continues at our Features Brainstorm doc: http://code.google.com/p/getpaid/wiki/BrainstormingFeatures . Join in! Some of these features are on the drawing boards for Spring development.

almost 16 years ago

New Recipe Version for GetPaid Released from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Not your average Plone cookies or pizzas recipe, this is a recipe for getting paid!
Thanks to Lucie for updating the GetPaid recipe.You can get the new version on pypi:
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/getpaid.recipe.release/1.2 (see this link for readme on using the recipe to make it easy to add ecommerce to your Plone site).

The changes are:

* update the version for: getpaid.core, Products.PloneGetPaid, five.intid, getpaid.googlecheckout, getpaid.paypal and getpaid.discount
* added getpaid.report and getpaid.warehouse to the recipe

about 16 years ago

Paypal progress moving quickly from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Thanks to Jim Nelson from Net Easy for stepping up to advance the PayPal integration for GetPaid, things have been moving quickly over the last couple weeks. For those who have been in the #getpaid channel, you have seen this unfolding and a lot of help from the community in discussing, lending a hand, or just consoling!
This morning, Jim (aka james4765) reported:
���(09:19:11 AM) james4765: got the first complete round-trip transaction working!(09:20:04 AM) james4765: add item to cart, go tp paypal, pay, return to site, process IPN, complete order finance workflow(09:20:31 AM) james4765: rough edges to knock off, though
Congrats, Jim!
You can check out the code in the getpaid.paypal product

over 16 years ago

GetPaid on cover of Python Magazine from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

This month's Python Magazine has a nice surprise for us: GetPaid all over the cover! Horacio (aka perrito666), who presented GetPaid at a free software conference in Argentina not too long ago also wrote an article which appears in this month's edition of Python Magazine and is featured prominently on the cover.
Building E-commerce on Plone with GetPaid, by Horacio Durán

E-commerce sites are easier to build than you
think, especially using Plone and GetPaid.
From small non-governmental organizations to independent professionals,
many current Plone users would profit greatly from adding e-commerce
abilities to their online presence. The task has been beyond the grasp
of many otherwise competent website owners because of the complexity of
the available solutions. No more: GetPaid can easily convert any Plone
site into a complete e-commerce solution.

Read more about this month's edition and purchase it online at http://pymag.phparch.com/c/issue/view/85 (sadly, we don't get any referral benefit...maybe the magazine will cut us a slice of their earnings ;).

over 16 years ago

GetPaid sprint at Bolzano Sprint from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Happy World Plone Day! It is a day of a lot of activity across the planet for Plone. It is also the week before the Bolzano sprint in Italy!
Recently, Bruno from Abstract Solutions posted information about taking on GetPaid as a topic during the sprint. The Abstract folks must have had fun in DC at the Plone Conference sprint on GetPaid and are coming back for more!
We are glad they are taking an active role on making GetPaid better and making GetPaid's second sprint in Italy happen! If you are headed to Bolzano, we hope you will join up with Bruno and others. We also may have some remote sprinting going on, so jiump on #getpaid to find us during the Bolzano Sprint, Nov 11-13!

over 16 years ago

New Release of GetPaid: 0.6.2 from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Several fixes have gone into a minor release of GetPaid that is now available in both a tag in SVN and a bundled product for download. This includes a fix to ensure it works on Plone 3.1.5+, a fix to the pagination of orders management, and other small changes. No significant feature changes from the original 0.6 branch, but this is now the recommended version.
You can download it here: http://code.google.com/p/getpaid/downloads/listFind it in svn here: https://getpaid.googlecode.com/svn/tags/0.6.2 Or read more about GetPaid here: www.PloneGetPaid.com

over 16 years ago

Getpaid Sprint Report Out from Plone Conference from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Following the conference and the talk on GetPaid that got some new people interested in the product, we launched into yet another GetPaid sprint. Conference sprints are great about getting new people involed as well as connecting those in the community. At this sprint, we had 2 people who had been working on GetPaid, Ken (from Contextual Corp, and a sponsor of GetPaid) and Adam (a local to the conference who I got to meet for the first time), and 4 people who were new, including 3 Italians from Abstract (Bruno and Antonio added their names to the checkin roster during the sprint!) and Lee (who shared his PayPal knowledge). What follows is a Sprint report-out of what our small band was able to accomplish (an alternative to this narrative presentation is the list that Ken composed: http://code.google.com/p/getpaid/wiki/PloneConf2008DCSprint ). On Saturday (see day one crew), we battled network issues to get everyone set up with a buildout. Luckily, it eventually worked (after over 2 hours). In the process, we verified that the recipe created by Lucie works (yeah!!!), making it very easy to drop GetPaid into an existing buildout. We also created a new .cfg file for those wanting to peg their version of Plone with 3.1.6 (the latest release), adding to the buildout configurations for Plone 2.5 and 3.0 that already exist. Even better, the documentation for how to get started was updated with this new info (http://code.google.com/p/getpaid/wiki/DevGettingStarted ).With the work on Plone 3.1.6, we found a test that was failing (though for a rather silly reason that had nothing to do with GetPaid) and Ken and Adam went about fixing that (rev2064). Antonio and Bruno went after issues in the tracker with a vengence. Antonio paired with Ken to take on an issue to take out the mystery in matching orders in GetPaid and your payment processor (issue #116). They succeeded to persist processor transaction id and last-4 digits of credit card to ZODB. Also, modified order-summary.pt to present these two fields (rev2072-2074). Bruno also took out #151, which makes it easier to set up GetPaid (more intuitive default settings), added missing Italian translations, and fixed the dist.plone.org links. Adam took on an issue of making the checkout wizard configurable and also created a Howto on adding an administrative screen in GetPaid (something formerly rather mysterious). He added a starting page for making features in the checkout configurable (rev2083 ) and a Howto.  While they sprinted, I worked on updating the internationalization files in GetPaid. Since it has been a while since they were updated, several new ids for tranlation had been introduced (over 100) and all the language files needed these sync'ed so the translations could be added. It was a bit of a mystery on doing this, but with Hanno's help, I was able to get through it. In the process, I discovered some issues with how one of the three domains we use and so couldn't complete the updating (we need to fix the domain tags first)Sunday was also a bit of a payment processor sprint (see the brain trust). Payment processors are many and varied and most people using GetPaid will at least consider implementing their own, either for existing bank preferences or need for something in their own country. We had Alex (from Finland) and Ken and Lee (both with interest in PayPal) going over the interfaces and examining the APIs. The work on PayPal led to clarification about a few changes needed to get the off-site payment working.If you want a more detailed view of the changelog, check out: - Google code's changelog: http://code.google.com/p/getpaid/source/list- Or the list subscribed to the changes: http://groups.google.com/group/getpaid-changes

over 16 years ago

GetPaid DC Sprint Day 1 Update from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

As typical, a slightly slow start to the sprint post-very-fun-last-night-of-conference. But by midday, we had momentum (yeah...it took us 2 hours to get buildouts running due to either connectivity issues or everyone crushing the distribution points for the plone code). We had a strong showing from the Abstract guys, who dove in to fixing stuff right away! We also had Adam, a long-time irc channel companion and local and Ken Wasetis, one of the sponsors of the first release of GetPaid.
Here's a quick update of what we did on Day 1:
We all got buildouts set up (except me) - 3 ways were tried (2 worked): trunk, recipe, and meteoroid branch (later didn't work yet). Fixed the 1 failing test in Plone 3.1Test and verify GetPaid recipe works in Plone 3.1(.6) sitegetpaid.core i18n files updated; Italian translation finished; Dutch doneTesting bugs/issues in tracker: started with 73 issues, we will probably be several less by the end of the sprint!   A critcal bug ended up not being reproducable: 209  Testing processor gets default value (improves usability)  Strategized and dove into a high priority issue to provide more order info: 116    Started issue 214  Starting creating Checkout Options as part of issue 184Sunday (tomorrow): - Update pay processor order.py to get order id back from processor ==> authnet- pay processor integration sprint (work on 2 or 3 potential processors)- documentation update

over 16 years ago

La reina del Recipe: Lucie finishes GetPaid recipe! from GetPaid Blog: eCommerce in Plone

Just in time for the Plone Conference sprint, our Remote Sprint Goddess, Lucie, finished a release recipe for GetPaid, making it much easier for you to include GetPaid in your own recipe. Please give her your thanks and pat on the back!
More from Lucie:
The recipe is working and uploaded on pypi:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/getpaid.recipe.release/1.0You have all the detail on how to use it if you follow the link above. I will probably continue updating it today and make the documentationprettier. I am currectly using it for one of our sites and seems to work correctly so far.

over 16 years ago